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King Mo takes a break from the forum.

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We regret to inform you the King Mo will be taking an extended leave from the forum.

Please note, he has been suspended once for calling other members names and being insulting in his posts. He was allowed to return after a 3 day, 24 hour suspension. :oops:

His continued behavior has been a problem. But thats not what got him suspened this time. He was told not to PM someone anymore about the ongoing religious discussion and he chose to ignore that and continued sending Private Messeges on the issue. This amounts to unacceptable harrassment.

King Mo was legend when I first joined and I learned a lot from him. His other contributions to the forum since his return a while back have been great, but his refusal to follow Admin.'s instructions and Basic Forum Policy has caused us, after serious deliberation and attempts at coming to an understanding, decide to ban him indefinitly. His contributions wll be missed.

Moderators and Administrators
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Oh dear, oh dear. You killed the King? The King Is dead? Love live the King????

I'm no so sure about all the great contribution stuff, all I ever saw him do is act haughty, supremist, and poorly thought out arguements. But you know, I'm open to other venues. HA!
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[quote name='Macho555']Oh dear, oh dear. You killed the King? The King Is dead? Love live the King????

I'm no so sure about all the great contribution stuff, all I ever saw him do is act haughty, supremist, and poorly thought out arguements. But you know, I'm open to other venues. HA![/quote]

i totally agree. his holier than thou attitude wore me thin.
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Give it up Mo. Dan is not me, but as I already said, we share important information. Going behind the Admin/Mod/ groups back to send an e-mail complaining about my being a dictator isn't going to get you reinstated, or my Admin. status changed. This was NOT my decision alone, and Dan can already read your farewell post i removed, in its original, in the Admin section where I moved it to in the first place.

The fact that you keep blaming everyone else while maintaining your complete innocence is laughable at best. Read the majority of the posts about you man. While you will be missed, your constant hammering got on a whole lot of people's nerves. And you are just keeping at it now behind the scenes. I'll say it again.

Goodbye Mo.
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I, too, remember the earlier days and Mo was a legend. I find it regrettable, but necessary,as do the rest of the Admins/Mod.

We will miss you. I know I will since we agree on so many topics.

A parting quote: "The best way to lose an argument is to overstate your point."
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No, I saw your posts in the secret crevasses of the Forum. They were deleted and then pertinent material was refused into a new thread.

Edit: I looked again, I don't see them. I do remember seeing them and there are two posts of this general type running around right now...maybe the other one has your discussion on it?
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