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Al Fakhir. (spelling?)

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Well, I shall post a proper review in the proper place.

But *DAMN* This is fine.

I have started with the grape and i am not disappointed what so
ever. This is some of the nicest stuff I've smoked in ages.

It's real wet with juice (Which I am a huge fan of) Where as Nahkla tends to be drier.

Lots of interesting taste too :)

So a big [b][size=18][color="red"]thank you[/color]

JD - Sending lots of love to the forum. [img]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m273/Johnny_w_D/love.gif[/img][img]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m273/Johnny_w_D/love.gif[/img][img]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m273/Johnny_w_D/love.gif[/img]
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I want to second the forum for their good job in encouraging others to try new things, if fed ex is right 8 new flavors are arriving today:
Black Grape Layalina Shisha
Cherry Layalina Shisha
Melon Layalina Shisha
Mixed Fruit Layalina Shisha
Orange Layalina Shisha
Jasmine Nakhla Shisha
Banana Split Al Amir Shisha
Triple White Apple Mouj Al Bahr Shisha which I have never seen or heard of before. I'll make sure to post reviews in the review section.
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I LOVE LAYALINA!! LAYALINA FOR THE WIIIIIN!!!! Congratulations CaliforniaRose on your most wise and delicious purchase XD

(personally I thought the cherry was a little bland, but you know...)

I havn't tried any of the Al Fahker but I intend to with my next order. I guess I'll try the grape first, since it has the Johnny Mark of approval.
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Thanks guys for the replies! Some photos of my stash :-

[b]The stash![/b]

[b]The New Arrivals![/b]

[b]Hmmm :D[/b]

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I have the choice of both, and each have their own merits.

AF's strawb is v. good IMO, but AF's ,melon blows by comparison to nakhla!

Could have been a crappy batch of AF Melon, but on the other hand might not have been....

Al Qemah apple has little to no flavour, but is a super duper smooth smoke. Nakh's mango is also a super fine smoke.

AF strawberry tears nakh strawberry a new arsehole, so to speak.
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