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There is only ONE choice for heat...

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[quote name='DizzyGuy']Well, most natural coals you have to break I believe... have you tried the japanese style coals?  But yeah, if you can provide a pic of the packaging, that'd be great :D[/quote]

see the above comment :P

im way ahead of you dizzydude
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Kinda... Mid typing I did a quick search and found some crappy site and wasn't sure if it was the same packaging as you were talking about. I'm surprized that I had actually found the right stuff, but that might be different than the star coals that benny tried... Hopefully he'll see this and respond :)
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I admit, I used the wrong terms. Quick-Lite coals don't suck, indeed. They are very convenient and they are great for taking your smoke on the road. They work very well with flavours that have a strong blast, like rose where all you can taste for the next week is shisha :D -- I used Quick-Lites for the first month or so when I started smoking, but I can't see myself going back to them after using naturals. Not throwing dust in anyones eyes if they use Quick-Lites, that's not my character. But I am surprised how much response this topic got, and I want everyone to know that I am in no way aiming to offend anyone :P -- Just throwing in my 2 cents and I got exactly what I wanted to get, and that was lots of feedback! Thanks guys, continue to use the topic for whatever, and please if you recommend any other types of coals stick it in this post.

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I'm sure no one saw you as being abrasive or anything, if you don't like quick lights you're allowed to say so :)

The only thing (smoking wise) I don't like about natural coals is the amount of ash that ends up on your tobacco. Besides that, I just have a terrible time getting them lit, which is why I stick to quick lights
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[url="http://www.shisha-hookah.com/Japanese-Silver-Charcoal-60pc-c-257-p-18047.html"]http://www.shisha-hookah.com/Japanese-Silv...57-p-18047.html[/url] are these good or bad jap coals...or would i be better off using my golden charcoals
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[quote name='worr lord']Natural coals piss me off to no end. Since I have a glass top stove and no torch, I have no way of lighting them.[/quote]

Well, you could get a torch for cheap...

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I've seen people light nats on a glasstop stove I think... But that's the size of torch I've been looking for, Sariel! I settled for a full size one awhile back... I might have to order one of these suckers :D Hmmm... wonder if I can trade my big torch for some tobacco or something... :D
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