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Mo's final words....

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Have been removed.

They were merely more of the same. "its not my fault. I didn't start it." "everyone else is ignorant, i'm just trying to set them straight." "Mushrat's out to get me." "this person is a racist."

I'll say it for the last time, and it's unfair he doesn't get to reply, but that's how life is sometimes.

There are 4 active Admins. 1 semi active admin. 1 moderator. All bannings have come after discussions between us all, or atleast the majority of us that are actually on over the course of the few days soemthing is happening. Mo's First temp ban was agreed on by The majority of the Admins/mod. His actions AFTER his return were also discussed at great length. Copies of the pm's between him and another member were forewarded by BOTH of them to all of us, and reposted in our private area for discussion. PM's sent by me and his replies were also posted to this area for all the others to see. As for the request for no further contact that he ignored, which in my mind constitues harrassment,
that exchange is also posted in the admin section.

*I* did nothing without the ok of the others. I'm simply the hatchet man when it's all said and done. Though another Admin offered to inform him of his perminant ban. I'm the one who posts the "this is what we did" messeges. So I did this one as well.

The funny thing is that one of the admins, who supported the ban, also asked for one more chance to talk to Mo in hopes he could return to posting at some point. I'd say he was unsucessful if he had time to make the attempt.

As far as removing posts. We have ALL removed posts. Some are simply deleted, some are moved into a holding area for review. Some may even make it back into the public areas again. There were some bad times when there was no one to moderate this forum and people posted what they wanted, wether it was hookah related or not. Changes were made and the m,emebers at the time were asked to pick people they thought would made good moderators. Those of us chosen have been doing our best to keep this forum on track to what it's supposed to be, a friendly, non-commercially based, open HOOKAH forum. And we'll continue to do so. Sorry if it pisses some of you off sometimes, it pisses me off soemtimes too....

That being said.....

Goodbye Mo.
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Heh, I never once had a complaint about the moderation here. I've seen many a forum drown under itself, (usually under some idiotic gimmick) and never stuck around for long like i have at this one. As for Mo, like I've said, he just needed a place to be a martyr too, to feed his ego. I'm certain his "last words" werent much to read.
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[quote name='worr lord']His last words were just continuing his argument, and talking about how he did nothing wrong, it's always someone else's fault.[/quote]

And tried to make him look even better by posting under the name "Truth"
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yea truth more like uhhh not so true. regardless im glad that clown is gone. hookah party anyone :lol:

EDIT: loook at my sig, Borat agrees...HIGH FIVE!!!
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What personal messages are monitored? Man I'm regreting all those comments I made about Mushrat being a satanist. :lol:

But I would recommend against the ban doing shit in the forum proper is one thing but personal messages can be deleted and ignored and should be a safe haven for the more controversial discussions. The guy had a lot of knowledge to offer.
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pm's are not monitored. People sent US copies of pm's they sent and received. We can't actually look at pm's you send or receive. Rest easy.

As far as what is said in pms. Just because you don't say something in public, but send it to another person, doesn't men you can just say anything you want, especially if the person on the receiving end is offended, or specificaly says dont send to me. If one party wants to foreward on a PM because they consider it to be a violation of the rules, then we will act accordingly.
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As far as what he had to offer, unfortunately, HE decided he'd rather continue to harrass and insult rather than simply contribute to the forum in the genral discussion area. Though lets not forget he placed inflamitory remarks in his signature, seen in all posts, and started with his original attacks IN the general discussion area. He should have just stuck to hookahs.
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