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Free Samples To Go Around!! EVERYTHING HAS SHIPPED!!!!

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I just wanted to thank everyone who is pitching in on shipping, it is greatly appriciated....
The people that do pitch in will receive theirs first of course and the rest will come when I am able to afford it....

So far, I have received a little under $10.00 bucks due to paypals lovely service charge!

Thanks guys!
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QUOTE (Caramellanne)

I just wanted to thank everyone who is pitching in on shipping, it is greatly appriciated....
The people that do pitch in will receive theirs first of course and the rest will come when I am able to afford it....

So far, I have received a little under $10.00 bucks due to paypals lovely service charge!

Thanks guys!

Woohoo, I paid over half of the money for shipping tongue.gif Can't wait to get the samples biggrin.gif
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QUOTE (DizzyGuy)
QUOTE (Caramellanne)

I just wanted to thank everyone who is pitching in on shipping, it is greatly appriciated....
The people that do pitch in will receive theirs first of course and the rest will come when I am able to afford it....

So far, I have received a little under $10.00 bucks due to paypals lovely service charge!

Thanks guys!

Woohoo, I paid over half of the money for shipping tongue.gif Can't wait to get the samples biggrin.gif

Hah, good man. I kicked in a few bucks, almost up to $20 now
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For anyone who doesn't have paypal, you can do what I'm doing, send a check. Carolanne, can you send me a PM when you get it so that I know the postal syestem works? Its going out today, and I'm in CA so you should get it by Friday.
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Ha, you are the only one so far to use my real name....weird

Yah, I will let you know once I get it...I think it will be here way way before Friday...Since its a document, and not a package, it will travel much more quicker....I used to work for the post office, thats why I am good at guessing postages.....
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QUOTE (CaliforniaRose)
For anyone who doesn't have paypal, you can do what I'm doing, send a check.  Carolanne, can you send me a PM when you get it so that I know the postal syestem works?  Its going out today, and I'm in CA so you should get it by Friday.

Just thought I should let you know that i sent you a 75ish gram bag of Rose flavor hence your name and because you are generous enough to help with shipping...Everyone who helped got something extra...at least the ones that I could get too before I closed them...sorry if you helped and I wasnt able to add in more...its already free shisha, what more could ya ask for other than a million bucks....HAHA
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That is the sweetest thing ever! Yeah I think the reason I used your real name is I was sealing the envelope, going to the post office in about a half hour. This was the most awesome thing ever. You should like get a forum award for your genorisity.
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Haha, yeah that will never happen but it would be cool....

Anyways, I had a bunch of rose left and I didnt have any requests for it so I smooshed it all into a baggie and stuck it in your envelope...Judging by the feel of the baggie, it has to be at the least 75g...maybe more...

So, I will send out yours today amongst some of the others going out!
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Hmm... that's curious that you could guess the weight of a bag in grams just by feel. Has Caramellanne got a secret past? Hmm...?

Haha, just playing

That's really generous of you, though. I have enough tobacco to keep me content for a while, thus why I didn't send a request. Again, the karma scale tips in your favor. Hmm... This pious act reminds me of my second grade teacher, a nun named...HUH!? Sister Carolanne (I'm serious this time, no BS). But you're a LOT nicer and way cooler then her.
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Thats interesting that a NUN of all ppl would be named after a horror movie...Im sure her parents were not thinking about that when they did name her, however I am sure that it is a joke amongst the nuns in the convent shes in....

For those of you who do not know what I am talking about...my name is from the movie "Poltergeist" My mom named me after the little blonde girl who starred in that movie...

And when I was in middle school....I dated her 2nd cousin, its a small world.

I just received another 5 bucks from a very generous person....thank you very much! We are about there, thanks guys!
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When she was born people were still watching movies in nickelodeons. Gotta love her though, she's pushing 90 and she's still a tough old bird. Sharp as a tack.

Despite it being a horror flick Heather O'Rourke (Carolanne) was such a little cutiepie. Too bad she died so young sad.gif RIP Heather .

Haha, just wait, at two in the morning darling Johnny is going to find you staring at a snowy TV screen saying "HelloooOOOooo? What do you look like?" laugh.gif .
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yeah her cousin told me the whole story and yes, she was a qt....She also starred in some of the happy days episodes....
Anyways, well I hate my name regardless...everyone thinks I live in the south and im like uh...NO I live in washington and no, I dont have an accent so why would you think that...damn southern name
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To everyone that helped pay for shipping...I greatly appriciate it!

I did over estimate some amounts to some people...There was only 1 or 2 parcels that weighed more than 14 oz. They all shipped out first class..I was amazed at how cheap the shipping was...I used to work for a mailbox place and my boss jacked the prices up to a ridiculous high and thats maybe why I over estimated.

For everyone who helped pay for shipping....If you would like me to refund the balance back to you, I would love to....If you would like to let me keep it as a generous offer to help pay for the other ppls shipping that would be wonderful as well...

Everything shipped out today and you should receive them very very soon....Once you get them, let me know your thoughts...

Hopefully some samples do not get smushed, I had to use small plastic cups for some samples because I ran out of baggies...if yours gets smushed please let me know and I will replace for you free of charge...

Thanks a bunch everyone and ENJOY!

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