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Need a shisha

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Hi, 14 (Yes I am allowed to smoke shisha) and I collect hookahs. Currently I have 2 (Not much of a collection I know) First my mini hookah and now my double hosed hookah which i like veeeery much. Anyways, I'm looking for a nice hookah with a crystal...or clear stem. Prefferably double hosed as I really only smoke when friends are over. Rotating would be best. Thanks alot..I've looked everywhere
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So you want a collection? so like more than one?
You could like blow 200 on one hookah, but if you want alot you can just buy cheaper ones and get more hookahs. Guessing thats what your gonna do. You could try mnhookah. Very good company.
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Dude, it's not difficult to find what you are looking for...

hookah-shisha.com is my favorite site, they are really helpful and stuff.

You get free shit when you buy a hookah, and it's really cool.

just know that Romman tobacco isn't REALLY the best on the market, they just say that cuz the owner makes it. But it'll work for a while.
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Well I've mostly stuck to Al Waha and Al Nakhla as thats the only thing you get in germany
In Houston if i try to smoke my dad will probably run me over or something He's a hipocrite as he smokes 3 packs of cigs a day
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Well thanks for viewing and trying to help.. ill look into Myas.. he aint allowed to be a hypocrite.. He dont even allow me to drink..which is legal in germany

Edit: I actually have a Mya.. or something similar..It was the first one I bought actually :)
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i too would go with myasaray.com. they have sum kick ass arghilehs.crystal, glass, those (plastic) yet realy cool ones....yeah. and wtf? why is everyone 17???lol. im 17 too....but my parents are completely cool with hookah, i just get bitched at once in a while by my mom for cigarettes...o well...
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If i had the money, i would buy this bad boy. Looks to good :)

But i suggest getting a mya of some sort, you say you got one, but another wouldnt hurt :D
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