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Rotator purchase

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For a friend I would like some inputs on the right rotator.
Criteria: Stainless in all functional parts, thight (screw sealing in both bottle ends), bigger is better and damn good looking ofcourse - price; not relevant
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www.GetHookah.com  -  Has a sale on rotators  - 
32" for $80 - They also sell a 36" Hookah,  called the Supernova.

www.Shisha-Hookah.com has a Beautiful 41" rotator for $130

www.Cleopatraimports.com has a 41" rotator for $70


www.HookahBros.com has some pretty nice looking rotators

If I were you,  I would contact Khyperion and ask if he'll make
you a multi-hose rotator with the Auto-Seal System.  He said in
his picture thread that it takes him about 60 hours to complete the
project,  and his hookahs are made from 100% solid stainless
steel.  That's what I would do,  if you wanted the BEST
rotator on the Planet.  Although,  I don't know if he does

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60 HOURS TO MAKE A HOOKAH? that guy must be chargin some serious dough,
hahaha. in the future I'll definitely be ready to make some custom
hookahs for you guys... Stainless, titanium, maybe some fancy CNC fade
annodized aluminum :D
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