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Sting in throat after years of hookah enjoyment

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So I've been smoking off and on for about ten years. But just recently, I've been smoking way more often, twice a day--in the afternoon for about an hour, and then at night with beer for about 2 hours. Over the last few days, I've been noticing a sting in my throat, whether of not I'm smoking, and it's not a sick kind of sting. Is this normal? Is this a sign that I need to cut back, or a sign of like throat cancer or something serious? Because I love my hookah. I'm a work-from-home-mom and it's the only thing that keeps me sane with my two rowdy toddlers! But at the same time, I don't wanna die lol Any comments appreciated :)

It actually feels kind of like acid reflux, but I have no other acid reflux symptoms, which is why it's concerning.

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What coals are you using?  Quick lights would probably do that to me.  Maybe you are over heating your bowl or smoking it too long. Those type of things might not immedietly cause discomfort to a seasoned smoker like yourself but maybe it does with the recent increase. 

Also, make sure your hookah and hose is clean and rust free.

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On 8/21/2019 at 9:52 PM, Daniel Stauffer said:

Prolonged usage of Hookah immediately effects throat in a way leading to bronchitis not necessarily throat cancer, but to be on the safer side please find a peaceful way to deal with your rowdies something like meditation.



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Try just going cold turkey for a week and see if it clears up? Actually I do think a Dr. visit is indicated here. Of course he will tell you stop smoking hookah.

You: "Doctor! Doctor! It hurts when I do THIS!"

Doc: "Well, then don't do THAT!"

You: "Stop hookah??? NEVAHRRRRRRR!!!" 

Doc: "Okay. We're done here."

Life with hookah is more enjoyable than life without hookah. Life without bronchitis is a LOT more enjoyable than life WITH bronchitis. Or throat cancer or whatever. If it seems to be causing problems, then solve the problem at its root. At least cut back to once a day. Maybe switch to beer. For that zen aspect that you don't get from popping the top of a big brand brew, try making your own. I do. It turned a mindless activity (drinking beer) into a fascinating hobby. (brewing beer and then drinking it.)

A little of almost anything is harmless. Too much of almost anything is harmful.

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