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Help me understand the Japaneese way...

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Ok, I've used blow torches on these and a heating coil... but recently I've come across away that I find lights them the best and I don't have any problem with the taste or anything. Get a little butane lighter or something and break the stick into 4 pieces. find the black side and start holding the heat to it till it starts getting hot... the hotter you get it, the quicker this process will be. Anyways, set it so that the hot side is facing up and let it sit for a few minutes. You'll be able to see the heat go all the way throught he coal and if you leave it long enough the silver will atleast start to come off... I just wait till the coal is all the way lit and then I try to ash it to get what I can off and put it on the bowl... if there is some silver stuff on, it'll come off in a few minutes of smoking, just ash the coal again.
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I'm using Japs right now...I love em! I light 3 of them for my funnel (2 for a regular bowl) before I even start setting my hookah up and leave them in a little terra cotta plant dish until I'm ready. Then, when I'm all set up they are red hot and the silver is starting to come off. After about 10 minutes of those I set another coal on top so a little bit is touching both coals. Not only does it light them without stove or flame, but it provides a little extra heat until the new coal is ready and doesn't impart any taste I can tell of.
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i use these coals when desperate and i have a nifty trick for you all..

Go outside with your stick, to the nearest footpath.

Scrape the silver crap off it, on the pavement / concrete BEFORE you heat them.

Much easier to use that way!
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