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I'm 32. First started Smoking Narghile about 10 years ago when I started working
in Tel Aviv.

Gave up smoking cigarettes about 3 months after regular smoking Narghila with friends in TLV. Never
needed the day to day ciggies.

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20, almost 21.

Took up smoking earlier this year. More of a casual smoker. I share a small bowl two or three times a week, maybe a cigar every other week, and probably around an hour total on a pipe each week.

Parents take a fairly independent approach. Mom even smoked with us a little on a camping trip a few weeks ago.

Wife's parents would murder us if they knew.
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im 17, started smoking 3 years ago(hookah and ciggs 2. hookahs been in my life since i was really young coz when my father was sick all he would do was chill in his den, smoke hookah and drink tea.lol.so the issue of being allowed never really came up.
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QUOTE (entrailsgalore)
QUOTE (Caramellanne)
Im also 20, soon to be 21 on January 16th!!!

I started to smoke hookah about a year ago...as for smoking cigarettes...thats more of a social thing, if im at a party drinking, Ill have one....im not much on cigs because all in all, they are somewhat disgusting!

Nice I turn 21 on jan 22nd.

Hahah. happy birthday after me!!!
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I'm hitting 30 here in a few months, so obviously parental reaction doesn't count. I started smoking cigars at 16 and later became interested in tobacco pipes. (I have quite a collection of both pipes and pipe tobacco.) I started smoking hookah about a year ago.
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I first start smoking shisha at 17 while away on an exchange in Germany. Before, I had wanted to do it but the local laws prohibted me from unless someone owned a shisha. I just recently bought my own (I am now 19). My parents never minded.
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I'm 17, started smoking hookah at the local hookah bar at 15. My parents just view it as a passing trend, and since they both appear to have 'experimented' in the past they don't seem to be too concerned, and seem to appreciate the cultural experience I'm immersing myself in. They don't like me smoking inside though.
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Gee, I'm 40 years old. Will be 41 in Feb.
I started smoking anything that will burn ( :wink: ) at age 11. My folks are gone, but weren't too thrilled about my smoking hobby. I first smoked shisha in Sharm El Sheik in 2001. Since that day, I'm still trying to accomplish what my hosts have: To build the perfect bowl of Nakhla strawberry.

My name is MR Bubble, and I collect Arabian goat bladders.

MR Bubble
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i never heard of hookah till i went to school in switzerland and my middle eastern buddies taught me about it.....so i started when i was 15, and im not 17 11th grade....but damn, hookahs fun an dyeah my parents let me smoke it. mom told me i should stop or not smoke so much (i smoke like everyday if not 5 times a week :-p) but i told her to stop smoking a pack of cigs a day :-p yeah she shut up after that haha kinda funny, dad laughed

oh yeah, haha, when ig et new flavors to smoke, my dad comes out and chills with us, and tries the new flavors haha itskinda funny having my dad smoke with me and a bunch of friends! haha
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QUOTE (hookah brother up)
oh yeah, haha, when ig et new flavors to smoke, my dad comes out and chills with us, and tries the new flavors haha itskinda funny having my dad smoke with me and a bunch of friends! haha

man thats exactly what my mums like, i bet my dad would be the same but he had a heart attack 2 years ago coz of some steroids he was using weakened his ateries and got sick really bad abd just had one so he was adviesed to stop smoking alltogether.

i knew he enjoyed doing it before at the arab restraunts but meh my mum still joins in
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