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commercial heating of coal

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Ive been thinking today about how to heat up a large amount of coals. Ive seen some stuff about bricks and stuff was wondering if anyone has done a large heating. I was thinking of having the bricks like the (me trying) drawing below,

I...C C C C...I
I...C C C C...I

The v's are fire / heating source, C's are coals, the others are bricks.
(the forum wouldnt show spaces so the periods are air (I have way too much time on my hands))

Do I have the right idea? Or am I just being a noob?

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Hmmm... when scally made his own coals, there was some discussion about commercial heating. I think someone said something about get a heavy duty pot and put a bunch of coals in there and heat the fuck out of it, but have a lid on it so there's no oxygen... or very little, and then when you open it, they'll flame up and be ready.
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