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is thick smoke good smoke?

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it always seems to be a competition over who can get the thickest smoke

i realize its fun to blow smoke rings and bubbles with thick smoke as well as take pictures of how opaque it can be. however, does thick, white, smoke "taste" better than a thinner smoke?

in my experience. intensely thick smoke is usually a sign of the tabacco beginning to burn. usually this is becasue the coal hasnt been rotated or the tabacco is filled to close to the rim.

in fact, some of my best "tasting" sessions have involved smoke that was no thicker than that of a cigarette - instead of burning it, it was inhaling the steam from it.

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I have had a flavorfull thick smoke that wasnt any harsher than normal, but I think it was mostly luck, at the same time with my new hookah the smoke isnt as thick but it is flavorfull, also a new brand of shish so I dont know if it is just the shish or not. I prefer thicker smoke I think it added to the experiance, just me.
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yeah, it ends up like that with me and my friends. who can take the biggest hit. But that only lasts for a few minutes then its back to normal smoking.

But yes, the thicker the smoke the better the taste for me. I normally use 2 33mm 3kings coals with every bowl I smoke and it works perfect every time for about 18-20 grams of shisha. That will smoke for about 3 hours by myself, or an hour with 3 or more people hitting it.
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I think a big part of the issue is how you get the thick smoke. Yeah, if you burn the shisha it can get pretty thick. But the kind of thick smoke everyone loves comes from proper heat management, and from my experience, keeping the base cold.

in fact, some of my best "tasting" sessions have involved smoke that was no thicker than that of a cigarette - instead of burning it, it was inhaling the steam from it.

Cold base water takes that nice smoke and condenses it, which gives you thicker smoke and more flavor than before.
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But the thing you need to remember about the cold water thing too is that it's still very possible to get the thing non-harsh smoke with out the cold water.. I used to add ice and freezing water and all that stuff... lately, I've just been getting tap water and it's been working fine
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The thicker the clouds, the shorter the amount of time the tobacco will smoke. Plain and simple. Its a trade off. In some cases, I agree, I have seen, thicker smoke usually means less flavor, but not all the time...so I don't think that generalization is terribly fair.
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