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question about the phunnel bowls

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I didn't fill my phunnel up all the way the first time and it didn't suck the foil down... but it was harder for me to get it going because it was further from the coal... make a ring of foil and stick it down in the bottom so that you don't have to put as much tobacco it, but it will still be close enough to keep it smokin.
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I have tried it both ways and I say filler up. I filled my small phunnel yesterday morning with 15 grams of Tangiers Orange. I smoked for a total over 4 hours and I have logged about an hour on the same bowl today. Still smoking great. Still a long way to go before it's finished. If I get a taste for another flavor, I'll pack a second bowl and set this one aside for later. I definitely get a smoother smoke from a full phunnel.
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QUOTE (azcoyote)
I have tried it both ways and I say filler up. I filled my small phunnel yesterday morning with 15 grams of Tangiers Orange. I  smoked for a total over 4 hours and I have logged about an hour on the same bowl today. Still smoking great. Still a long way to go before it's finished.   If I get a taste for another flavor, I'll pack a second bowl and set this one aside for later.  I definitely get a smoother smoke from a full phunnel.

amen my bowl of blueberry was smoked for about an hour and its still nice n wet. im gonna refoil and relight probably 2nite cuz it was so tasty!
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