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What is the cheapest site for good tobacco?

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QUOTE (TheHookahLounge.org)
i would say make your own.  its easy and doesn't take a bit of time.  google: homemade shisha and see what comes up.  theres a good list of stuff at snark dreams.  otherwise, I like ebay

If I tried to make my own, it would NEVER be near as good as if I bought some. Not only do you get scammed on ebay for buying tobacco... IT"S ILLEGAL.

OK, Hookah man. Do you like a big buzz, or not? There are many brands on there. Some brands are worth a few extra bucks.
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yeah, me and my friends do nakla mostly

we do peach, apple, and mint apple

we wanna try some new flavours, and were willing to pay some money, but id rather go to the best site for my money

we smoek cigs some times so nothing is gonna be to strong

just id like some with good flavour, like that actually tastes like what it says on the box
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tangiers will still be strong, haha even if you smoke cigarettes. go to hookahcompany.com and try out a few flavors and then get one of the F line flavors if you really wanna good buzz
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if nothing is gonna be strong and you think your a 'tough guy' walking up in this forum saying you can smoke whatever then give tangiers a try and then give us a call. thats a joke, but if you wanna strong tobacco thats got loads of flavor, i dunno if tnagiers makes caramel but he makes all the rest of the flavors you mentioned and some other fun ones like chocolate.

go to hookahcompany.com or mnhookahs.com and then search the forum for the discount codes.
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As much as I love MN (I'm waiting for that site to launch. Then I'll bombard the hell out of him with orders.) I'm going to have to say HookahCompany. I've never had anything but good luck with them.
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QUOTE (Vinson)
I would certainly try out MN Hookahs. They give amazing service, sometimes throw in little extras, and they sell Tangiers 250+ for only $9 with HF Discount.

you can get a discount at hookahcompany.com on tnagiers as well, AND they have a HUUUGE variety of EVERY tobacco brand which is great-
Ive ordered from them twice and both times it was a very smooth and simple process. I have yet to order from mnhookahs.com but from what i hear it sounds pretty solid.
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