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al waha still have quite a bit left

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mother-in-law is doing better thanks for those that send kind words to me . I still have quite a lot of molasses to get rid of . I would love to sell cases by the flavour but if I must I will mix up some more cases . I will tell you guys make me an offer on cases of 1 flavour if I have the flavour you want I just might sell it cheap !
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Guess I'm still interested in a case of all vanilla, especially if the price is down a smidge. I wanted to pick up some in the past, but I'm trying to zero my credit card, so funds are tight... You can PM me a price, and then hopefully if you can send me a bill using paypal, I can use my credit card to pay for it.
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good to hear shes doing better man, and im loving the case you sent me and scally, and the extra i got from the case for the party biggrin.gif Ill vouch that steve's stash rocks, and is well worth the price in every way biggrin.gif
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QUOTE (Scalliwag)
I mixed the strawberry and vannila in a phunnel bowl and it smoked like premium shit. I was shocked because I have been smoking a lot of Tangiers and Starbuzz lately and I just whipped a batch up for the hell of it.

Yeah, I did the same with Arabic Coffee with a touch of Tang. Mint on the bottom. It smokes really great in the phunnel, but doesn't last quite as long as premium brands.
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OK guys this what I have left in my garage
Grape x 7 cases
Vanillia x 7
2apple x 10
mixed fruit 6 cases
strawberry x 2 cases
mellon x 4 cases
mango x 3 cases
apple x 1 case
peach x 1 case

I still have half a storage unit full too so if you want a bunch let me know
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damn I wish I had known that you had Peach when I ordered my case from you.. AW peach is a great flavor... don't get me wrong, though. my case of mixed flavors from steve is great .... hell, I'm smoking aprictot and mango as I type this.. 8)
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