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Reread the Code of conduct.

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Ok, lets try this AGAIN.

This is an ADULT forum, discussing the ADULT topic of SMOKING.

If you can't follow the VERY SIMPLE code of conduct, you will be suspended, if you still don't think we are serious, you'll be banned. We have had to to this to several folks lately, including a returned, long time and respected member. We'll do it to you too. One Spamming, off topic, immature mouthy poster isn't going to make much of a difference to this forum as a whole one way or the other, so you won't be missed. If you wan't to complain, do it on the hookah mag or www.hookahforum.net.

This forum represents the largest english speaking hookah forum on the net. This isn't your MySpace, you Blog, or one of millions of "say what you want, no one can stop you" forums. We are closely moderated and rules are enforced. If you do not agree with the simple rules, you don't get to play. PERIOD.

This is the first warning to EVERYONE of late, the second warning will come with a ban announcement and you'll have to read it as a guest because your log in won't work of atleast 24 hours, longer if we forget to unban you...
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I don't know about you man, but I forgot to take my ginsing this morning. I might just forget to unban happy.gif

Just playing folks. But in all seriousness, since the forum is getting larger by the day, we will really need to watch the content that comes in and out of here in order to keep this forum growing. Hateful/disrespectful comments will not be tolerated, spamming or spoof accounts will be dealt with accordingly and lets try and keep this place organized... Don't start a thread with zero to no content whatsoever. If you do want to make a thread, give us some content/story. Don't simply start a thread with one sentence, "I really love such and such" and then end it there...

Just as a reminder, don't be offended if you make a thread/reply that suddenly dissapears a few minutes later. More than likely, it was one of the mods moving it to the appropriate section in order to keep the place more organized. We now have a new section dedicated to anything not hookah related. Take advantage of it.

Thanks people!
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dam some drama goin on? havent been on i have been abducted by my wii! hope everything got resolved. im on the forum on my psp outta boredom pretty neat!!
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all evil jack asses are being destroyed by forum masters......thank you biggrin.gif your like the tornado destroying trailerpark of that greasy white guy working on his car that beats his wife all the time smile.gif your the pennicillin bacteria destroyers thank you for making the forum a cleaner brighter place!!! biggrin.gif
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QUOTE (mushrat)
Pimp: you know, you play with your wii too much, they say you go blind.... 8)

Hahaha Mushrat, you're crazy!

It is good to see this thread though as I am sure it's needed. I have read the Code Of Conduct once, but I will read it again as well. I love being a part of our forum here and I am grateful for being able to be here.
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lol damn thats the real reason i havent been on as much...im goin blind sad.gif. also let all the puppies die i will not stop having a wii wii of a time with my wii!!! uhh that didnt sound too good. :X
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