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High Nicotine Content: Hard to Take Hits?

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Hey guys,

Recently my friend and I decided to step up the tobacco content and went with Nahkla Double Apple and are ordering some Tangiers soon. Anyways, throughout the almost entire session I thought it was slightly harsh to some extent. Well, the only time that I've gotten really sick from hookah was when I was just taking harsh hits so now I'm anal about smoking when it's harsh. So, first question. Can smoking when it's harsh make you sick or was it just a coincidence for me?

Second, are tobacco's like Tangiers and Nahkla always going to taste harsh for me since of the higher tobacco content? I remember reading a while ago that since they have higher nicotine content, if you got weak lungs it might be hard to smoke without coughing. Anyways, is this normal?

Finally, slightly off topic but...we couldn't get Nahkla Double Apple to smoke that well, was looking through the reviews and it seemed like the smoke generally isn't super thick. But anyways, does anyone else have problems? We were using Diamante finger coals. Any recommendations?

Thank you! :wink:
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hmm, I have never used thoes coals before but I had always believed that the harshness is just if there is too much heat/ too much coal on the bowl/ too much coal in one spot or if the coals ash gets into the bowl itself... that is what I have experianced in my past so that is my take. As for Nakhla... I smoke it all the time and but never smoke double apple... or well any of their apple flavors so I woulden't know the details of that apple... but yeah, Nakhla isn't usualy harsh at all in my experiances but only if there is something wrong with the coals.
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hmm strange, I've always gotten smooth smoke out of nahkla, not neccessarily thick, but nonetheless smooth. I think you just gotta experiment with coals a bit more. And just so you know the tobacco content is the same as all other brands, its the nicotine content thats different, the lower nicotine brands wash the tobacco to remove the nicotine. Tangiers is a different story, its a whole different style of tobacco and is sensitive to humidty change so when you get it be sure to let it sit out for a few hours on occasion to let it get used to the ambient humidity, other than that just try different coal amounts, also how you pack the bowl can make a difference, with nahkla sprinkle it in realy lightly trying to make "fluffy," packing to tight can require you to use too much coal to get it to smoke leading to harsh, at the same time packing too lightly can lead to harsh and thin smoke, so just experiment with the two variables, amount of coals and tobacco.
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None other than Eric to throw in the acclimation advice. But Eric's right, acclimation helps a ton. I experienced that first hand from Eric's tour de Phoenix roadtrip. The tangiers that he brought that night smoked harshly. 2 days later, it was fine.
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Yeah, I did the same thing with Tangys Orange Soda, (that stuffs like orange flavored CRACK), I smoke it without acclimulating, and it killed me. MUCH better after letting it sit for a while.
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