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What gives a good buzz?

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Hi guys,

This is a question just out of curiosity but Tangiers is generally considered one of the tobaccos that gives the biggest buzz yet when I looked on his website it said it was only 0.3%. Just out of sheer curiosity, what causes a big buzz since it doesn't seem like it all has to do with the nicotine.

For example, Layalina is unwashed yet doesn't really give a buzz for a lot of people. So if Layalina has a higher nicotine content than Tangiers, why the big buzz with Tangiers?

I also don't mean this question to judge the authenticity of anyones products. I'm just curious...

Thank you! laugh.gif
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I think alot of companies just put .5 as thats the generaly accepted number for unwashed tobacco, I doubt they actually test to see the real content, which btw would very from year to year as the conditions the crop is grown in can greatly affect nicotine content, for example when much of virginia experienced a drought the tobacco leaves were observed to have higher than average nicotine content. So yeah probably too many variables for the big companies to pin down an exact number, so they just approximate
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What gives a good buzz?

(don't make me hurt you yontan...Rat)

EDIT - a few minutes later -

OHHH! you meant what shisha..

umm -- akward moment.

no j/k

nahkla double apple always gets me messed up after a while...
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If you're looking for a bit more kick, try mixing in a small amount of good quality pipe tobacco with your shisha. Right now I'm experimenting with a blend of 3 parts shisha (Nahkla) with 1 part pipe tobacco, and just a touchof honey on the pipe tobacco to prevent it from getting to dry.
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QUOTE (Krautle87)
If you're looking for a bit more kick, try mixing in a small amount of good quality pipe tobacco with your shisha. Right now I'm experimenting with a blend of 3 parts shisha (Nahkla) with 1 part pipe tobacco, and just a touchof honey on the pipe tobacco to prevent it from getting to dry.

We did this with havana pipe flavour a while back, it took about 4 tries to get it right, but it was pretty nice, I forgot the type of pipe tobacco we used though, my friends the pipe guy, I'm the hookah guy.
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Oh, sorry if the question was misunderstood. I'm not asking what tobacco gives a buzz, just curious as to why some tobacco that has less nicotine content than some others and gives a bigger buzz. Such as Tangiers compared to Layalina. Just one of those spur of the moment questions that I was trying to figure out...
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