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My first Hookah need Advice

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hey guys, im looking to buy a hookah for christmas my budget is around 150 dollars and i was wonderin what are some good quality hookahs?im partial to the taller hookahs, but i was wondering if there are any draw backs as to having a tall hookah(around 30 inches) or a small hookah.
any help is appreciated, thanks.
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ok, first off you need a hookah with a stainless steel stem

i prefer single hose hookahs

but if you like multiple hose DO NOT GO WITH MORE THEN 2, with my experience it gets annoying cuz then everyone who is not smoking has to cover up their hose, and if you loose a cap then when u inhale u get lots of air and its jsut not as good

with 150 dollars you can get a very good hookah (with alot of tobbaco, and coals)

check the vendor reviews and look around

lot of peopel in this forum like mya hookahs, though ive never tried them they look alright

look at the vendors at the reveiw and try to find a cheap one

THEN USE THE FORUM DISCOUNT codes for 15 % off some of the sites
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Drawback to tall, the easy ability to knock it over. I found that when I had a smaller hookah it was a bit more stable, others may disagree. A lot of people will recomend a QT, I don't have one but I'm probably buying one in a few months.

Little tip, always have at least two bowls, cause those things can break at any time.

PS Welcome to the Forum biggrin.gif
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quicklights, i think ur talking about 3 king coals

33 mm is i gues teh standard size for quick light coals, and they are alot cheaper, they cover most of a normal size bowl

if you have a party bowl or somethign that can hold like 25 grams then the 40 mm will cover that size bowl

id say dont order any huge amounts liek boxes of 100 untill u know u like the brand, order a roll of each kind and choose which one u like better

the 40z burn hotter, and a lil longer,

but the extra heat is sometimes not good for tobbac like tangiers cuz it can get harsh

really youll be good eitehr way you go

smile.gif just get a nice bowl, and a nice hose smile.gif

[and order a box of 250 nakla apple (7 bux) just to have a backup flavour thats i think is good ] if you havent chosen a brand/ flavour you like
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15% discount on Tangiers Tobacco
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code: Halloween06

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15% discount
code: Hookah Forum

15% discount
code: hookahforum

15% discount
code: hookahforum

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code: tell them you are on the forum when ordering.


yeah, also if you tell them your from the forum, they might throw something nice in for you
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if i were you i would buy the 29 inch mya acrylic for about 70 bucks then spend the rest on a funnel bowl and a bunch of tangiers tobacco plus sone three king quicklights, foil and your set.. plus a 15 percent discount at most places. mya makes one of the best hookahs out there and if you plan on getting two hoses the autoseal valve is the way to go and you can convert it between a 1 and multi hose
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