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Best way to cut natural coals

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I used diamante for quite some time, and yes I have to agree that they are much denser than other brands of coals. But I simply grabbed them with my thumb/index finger on both hands and broke them that way. Some were tough bastards, but nothign a little muscle couldn't handle.
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QUOTE (yashman19)
I used diamante for quite some time, and yes I have to agree that they are much denser than other brands of coals. But I simply grabbed them with my thumb/index finger on both hands and broke them that way. Some were tough bastards, but nothign a little muscle couldn't handle.

How big were the pieces you used?

BTW these things are a pain. I'd rather jus use some quick lites but I ran out. Ordered three boxes of three kings so this doesnt happen again.
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Slight off topic, but what do you guys think of these coals? My friend and I rececntly bought some and think they're okay, give off a horrible smell when lit but aren't to bad after that. Just was curious how these compare to Nours as thats what were going to buy sometime and hear are the best naturals...
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QUOTE (Hookah-Shisha Central)
I have luck breaking them once they are red hot, I like using natural coals, but the Lemonwood I use goes out before the bowl is cashed.  So I light enough for 2 rounds and leave the rest in the charcoal holder or tray.  

The easiest way to do it I found was to use the tongs and force then down on the tray at an angle, (make sure you have a snug fitting tray ~or~ hold a side with your free hand.) As far as breaking smaller chunks off one really large piece then it becomes a force thing, I would recommend the same : “hit them over the corner of a table. Or use your hands. Best 2 ways I have done them. “  -Hope it helps…

This is the method that I use, works well.
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thanks for the help guys..

i just lit the whole log on the stove and just broke them after they were completely lit. It is definatly a lot easier than trying to break them before they are lit. Anyways, I get 3 boxes of three kings tomorrow so I won;t have to put up with them much longer. Plus I am not a big fan of the diamante coals because the coals go out before the bowl is cashed even if you have a log or two for spare... just to much work
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