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Is my pipe/hose rusting or is it just dirt?

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Right, so I've only just got back into hookahs. I rinsed out my pipe with water and all these black pieces and dirt came out, I couldn't really tell what the pieces were, could be metal or something. My question is, can these pipes rust inside or tear apart? Its a generic pipe like on this hookah: http://mcave.co.uk/ecommerce/images/trp11%20copy.jpg
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are you talking about the hose or the pipe itself? the pipe would be the hookah, the hose would be the hosey thing. If its the pipe rusting that means you have a piece of crap hookah and need a new one since thats not safe to smoke out of. if its the hose that means youve been washing a nonwashable hose. they have a metal wire in them which rusts if washed. theyre perfectly fine if you dont wash them, but if its rusted it needs to be thrown away. i second critters suggestion of a nice mya washable hose.

here are some links to where you can find good ones. wait you in england?

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I wouldn't automatically assume his hookah is garbage now just because some black crap came out of his stem while rinsing it out.

What I'd recomend you do is buy a long, narrow brush from either a hardware store, a gun cleaning kit brush, or even an aquarium brush and take that puppy into the shower with you. Start rinsing it real good, then jam that brush down the stem and give it a few good tugs/pulls. Then rinse it out and you should get a bunch of black crap that floods out of your pipe. The reason I say do this in the shower is because many times when you jam the brush down the stem and pull it out, little black specs go flying EVERYWHERE. So if you're in the shower, its much easier to clean up than your kitchen counter...

Anyways, this will most likely be the case. I doubt that your hookah, judging by the picture you linked us to, has rusted away and is garbage. It looks pretty similar to the hookahs they sell over at socialsmoke. But I would make sure you clean it out before using it again.
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