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The calling of SHENANNIGANS...

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The next person who calls shenannigans with nothing more than a suspicion without clearing it with an admin. or moderator is going on Vacation.

The general idea is that you all let us know something is fishy to you, we check into it using some of the things we have availible, THEN we tell you it's ok. Or we say you are mistaken, as has happened several times recently.
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The above rest. thing was how this all started, and I *STILL* don't know what its from.... laugh.gif

It's the vendors we have to make sure of. Or the people we suspect are vendors...you wanna call BS on nunu or dizz or someone regular cause they talking out their ass, thats all fun and games. But if you are going to accuse someone of being a cheat or a spook, run it by the Admins first please...We MAY have already talked to the person and found out the story and it may not be liek it looks, but we saw no reason to make a deal out of it....

That make sense?
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QUOTE (SanguineSolitude)
lakemonster... you need to go take a timeout after that comment.  :P  
AND MUSHY!!! you dont know what shenanigans is from? go watch supertroopers immediately. NOW!

im gonna have to agree. tht movie is awesome
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