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Wind Cover

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it holds in the heat so you can probably use less coals then

xactly, and its really nice to use when warming up the bowl as well. I usually put my coal on the bowl and put the windcover on and wait about a minute or so and helps the bowl to get started a lot faster.
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My wind screen has saved my life a few times. Once I was getting up but didn't realize that the hose was on me and so it pulled the hookah enough that without my wind screen, the coals would have fell on the floor. The screen also gives me peace of mind.
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QUOTE (lilotaku)
it holds in the heat so you can probably use less coals then

xactly, and its really nice to use when warming up the bowl as well. I usually put my coal on the bowl and put the windcover on and wait about a minute or so and helps the bowl to get started a lot faster.

yeah, the bowl gets heated up faster. so it`s also good to use indoors.
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definently use it, like everyone is saying- it keeps all the heat in the bowl providing a much better smoke because you get more smoke! also it looks good, and it provides a level of protection from exploding coals or coals slipping off your bowl and rolling onto the carpet.
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