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Purchasing maassel

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I was wondering wether the general prefference on this forum was to mail order maassel or frequent local shops? I would think that a reputable on-line store has much more traffic and turn around

The reason I ask is because when i have gone to local smoke shops or been in SF and entered specialty shops, the maassel products always look like they have been there for months, faded, dusty and who knows what!

Of course, I have the luxury of asking my Syrian co-hort to pick me up some goodies when he goes down to LA where shelf life is not an option (at least where he shops), but we all know taking advantage of friendships can lead to no friendships.

What are some of your experiences?

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I'm a big time local shopper. But I think it's pretty important to have a good local shop in order to become a local shopper. I stepped foot into a head shop years ago when I first started hookah, and I never went back. $5 bucks for a damn roll of quicklights? $4 for a 50g box of naklah. Screw you headshop... I have a local middle eastern grocery store very close to me, so I can get ALL my supplies from them.

Every once in a while I need to put an order online though to get some tangiers tobacco, or perhaps a bowl. But for the most part I'd rather skip shipping and just get things locally.
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im blessed to have a local shop very close to me. its very humble, yet very thoruough(sp?) and a very good stock including starbuzz(all flavors $20 250g) 3k coals for $2, and a wide variety of pipes and accessories.

moral: internet is good because its vass, but its much better to look around for a good local shop
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QUOTE (EvansLight)
Im not blessed with a good local shop thats not at least an hour drive away. I havent bought any of my current stock of tobacco, hookahs, or acceories anywhere but online.

me neither. the shipping and wait are worth it.
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QUOTE (yashman19)
I'm a big time local shopper. But I think it's pretty important to have a good local shop in order to become a local shopper. I stepped foot into a head shop years ago when I first started hookah, and I never went back. $5 bucks for a damn roll of quicklights? $4 for a 50g box of naklah. Screw you headshop... I have a local middle eastern grocery store very close to me, so I can get ALL my supplies from them.

Every once in a while I need to put an order online though to get some tangiers tobacco, or perhaps a bowl. But for the most part I'd rather skip shipping and just get things locally.

It's inevitable I'm going to see you there sometime yash, I also frequent that store now thanks to you. What a find! No need to order online anymore unless I also need the occasional bowl or tobacco that they don't happen to carry (which is rare).
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I'm with Evanslight and LB,

You can find great prices online for really good maassel and it usually turns out to be anywhere from 30-50% cheaper depending on the brand they use. I usualy only buy online because most of the local places here in town charge too much for what they have and when i know i can find better/equivalents online for cheaper, i'm gonna take that route.
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QUOTE (hookah hippie)
I live about a 15 minute drive from telegraph ave. in Berekeley there is probably about seven headshops on the street and about three that have anything you would need or want for your hookah how conveinent

I wished I lived around there, that would be nice biggrin.gif

When making big purchases I go online, but I do like to support some of the local stores around town.

I've found a couple of good places to go.

The Tinder box sells Nahkla, AW, Fantasia and HH shots and coals for a reasonable price.

I also found a local "smoke shop" that is only a few miles away from my house, that sells Romman for the same price I can buy it online.
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It just seems to be location, location, location!

It's good to know that if your local shops don't work out there is the internet... and I thought it was only good for porn!

My package just came in today from Hookah-shisha, my Egyptian hookah is in. This is a perfect example of what we are discusing here, my local shop wanted 100 buckaroos for the same type hookah and of course you all know all the added goodies H-S sends for about $20 less!

There is realy no comparison.

A local middle-eastern shop in Santa Rosa is a bit of a stretch, I'll have to do my shopping on line.
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hahaha I am in driving distant from everyone hookah bar you could ever want to go to!! -Tangiers-Fumari- Anaheim(They have a million) not to mention that there are tons of smoke shops all over....

Yet, I still order online... Funny how that works.
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I used to prefer buying online until I found some places over in Mt Pilot.

I know what you mean about some of the stock being old.... thats usually a tip-off that the particular flavor doesnt have much demand too.

Now that I can get all the tobacco I care to smoke at a shop, thats where I go. I skip out on shipping costs.. and its instant gratification.
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the only decently priced place round me is about 15-20 mins away. a local headshop sells starbuzz for 25 bucks which considering shipping is too bad. his other stuff is way overpriced (14 bucks for al waha honey for example). i need to pick up some sex on the beach and black grape hopefully he will hook it up a little since i have been goin to him often.
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Maassel (has about a million different spellings) is the tobacco that is smoked out of a hoohah... It's commonly called shisha, but if you want to get technical, maassel is the proper name. I just call it tobacco, helps avoid confusion.
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I think it comes from masala, which is essentially the Hindi word for "spice", or the spice component of something (used define:masala thru google). Not exactly sure of the nexus, but thought I would throw it out there.

In case ur wondering, i was curious because I was listening to "Brooklyn Masala" the other day, dope song.
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