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how to get thicker smoke

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i found this out today by accident. when your coal is in place and fully burning, break it up into a few small pieces, somehow this makes the smoke very thick and enjayable. im not sure if this works with all coals, but im pretty sure it will work with all self lighting coals. if you try it, tell me how it goes.
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it's because by breaking the coal into little pieces there is more
surface area combusting, as for effectiveness, it varys, this will make
the coal life alot shorter, and some coals it can make it burn too hot
and burn the tobacco
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I found this out for myself yesterday.  I had one and a half coals
left in a pack and they had been a little cracked.  When lighting
it up, the full coal broke cracked into 3 pieces and broke when placing
on the bowl.  A lot of the surface was covered with the 4 pieces
total and the smoke was thick with nice flavour but the shisha did burn
out a little quick, along with the coals.
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it's the best way to get full flavour, and if you go to a good shisha
cafe, they'll have fresh orange coal pieces broken off a giant lump.

3-4 pieces around the circumference give the best smoke.

with the magic coals, the reason not many people do them, is because it
is tough to get accurate cracks, with occasional crumbling, and sparks
and crap everywhere esp if you are indoors
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if i was to break them up (which is quite rare), i'd use my tongs which are quite sharp. I'd tap it with the sharp bit in the middle of the coal till it breaks, so after about 7-10 taps it'll break.
if it's good quality instant coal, you can break it before you light it, then light the small pieces. that is easiest with the better quality instants (the dutch ones).
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When I use the rounds I use 2 coals.
If you want to make a roll last longer, snap your rounds in half before lighting.
It's a bit of strange luck, but you'll always get a smaller and larger half.
Use 3 halves per bowl, arrange them for equal coverage over the entire
surface of the bowl. Include at least one small half as one of the 3.
Use a toothpick to make the foil hole pattern shown in the graphic I posted
in photos section of this site. Fill the bowl a quarter inch from the top.
Guaranteed thickness and smoke quality!
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will that work with the screens?  I won't  use  tin foil
because  of its health risks.  I  made my  own
screens  with  some  diamond plate and  a
drill.  They are thick as hell but  the nicely trap the 
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Diamond plate??? Jeez.
Can't say I recommend that, it really messes up the physics of what
you're trying to achieve here.  Depends on the hole size, but it
works well with my steel screen.
I have a screen meant for hookahs, the one that's like a turtle when you buy it,
with the foldable tabs. You want transfer of heat, not trapping, or you get BURN
too quickly. Sounds like it's a toss-up experiment with that thick steel.
I might recommend burning impurities off that with a propane torch.
Also grind that thinner if you can.
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