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Opinions and Thoughts on adding this to Dry Tobacco.

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Hello Gang!

I had some fairly dry (Dried than normal) Nahkla Orange and in previous experience just adding plane Glycarin (<--Clickage for more info) that the taste is so watery as to be a totally crapola smoke.

However, I found This(<-- More clickage) and i dumped 38ml's of it into the shisha! It is an orange extract with sunflower oil and forked it 1/2 to death.

Then mixed in about 20ml's of the normal Glycarin.

I'm leaving to settle for a couple of hours, but it smells Great!

Thoughts please!

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QUOTE (Bleeding_Heart1)
i thought tangiers said to use vegy glycerine? as for the extracts. I would look for a more natural extracts aka vegan or vegatarian flavorings.

There is more than one type of Glycerine?
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I could be totally wrong as to how this works..... but it seems to be the case when I have made my own shisha or wetted some Nakhla down...

I found that heating the shisha and the Veg Glycerin in a sauce pan.... then allowing it to cool, makes the tobacco actually suck some of that glycerin in. I found that just stiring cold glycerin into cold tobacco leaves the glycerin on the outside of the tobacco.... and when smoked.. it has big smoke, but no real flavor till the excess glycerin gets vaporized off.

Of course, the heating may just force the flavor from the tobacco into the glycerin, and that could be why I notice the flavor better at the start of the bowl.

One of the next things I intend to try is just putting the tobacco and glycerin in a mason jar, sealing it off.... then put it in the dishwasher and run a cycle. I wonder if heating in a closed environment makes a difference from losing some moisture by evaporation cooking it in a sauce pan.
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i'm pretty sure regular glycerine comes from like... animal fats
but you can get a vegetable based glycerine.
but i don't think an orange extract can get any more vegan.. lol its from an orange
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Thanks LakeMonster!

My First expermiental bowl is working ok thus far. But i didn't heat it at all.

This was using the Glycarin above and some water based food flavouring (Strawberry in Nahkla Cherry( was the closest match i could find))

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Nah, we only use the vegi glycerine, just not very much.

Lake, you HAVE to tell us how that mason jar thing works out. That would all too cool to cook shisha while washing my dishes.

Johnny, can you tell that the Cherry has a Strawberry tint or anything? Maybe that would make a good way to make flavor mixes...
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