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tangiers is always harsh for me

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in my experience, mya bowls are the worst to smoke tangiers out of, but i guess it really goes for any unglazed bowl. they heat up to much on the inside, so the heat more directly touches the tobacco, which will burn it, even if it's just ever so slightly. i'd use a regular clay bowl if you got it. as to why the tobacco smells burnt before you smoke it, that is unusual. but tangiers definately smells more tobacco-ey, especially compared to the other brands you're prolly familiar with, so that may be what's throwing you off. for example, in starbuzz orange you only smell orange, but in tangiers you smell the orange and the tobacco (the tangiersness if you will). you'd make a starbuzz orange scented candle before a tangiers orange soda kinda thing. i really came to appreciate the smell of tangiers over time, as i'm sure you will too. switch up your bowls and stir really really really well, it should greatly improve the flavor aspect.
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tangiers is definitely strong shtuff! i've only tried kashmir peach & blue gumball, but they both have a kick. i'm learning now that tangiers needs less heat, & leaving it out for an hour helps. a funnel bowl is the best way to smoke it too. definitely more flavor! biggrin.gif
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