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Whats a MYA???

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A QT is the Mya's take on the junior hookah. Myas tend to be made of high quality materials, and backed behind a service god himself would be proud of. If anything goes wrong, you can let them know about it and they will make things right. Great company to deal with, and pretty much everyone will agree.

*Edit* Here is a QT. Its a small, 14" junir that is heavy duty, solid, and smokes just as good as the big boys. They're very popular because people want to be able to own a mya, and this one is by far the most affordable. And since it smokes like a big boy, people want one.
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Myas are the short hand name for any item made by the company Mya Saray. They make rather high quality hookahs, and some of the best hoses around. They are also well know for EXTREMELY good customer service. They aren't talked about alot for no reason.

As for the QT, its a small hookah, designed for portability. Its a good design, and works well, except for a flaw or two, but the flaws are small and don't bother most. I have 1, and i can say its an amazing smoker biggrin.gif
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