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cobra hoses

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thats one word for it macho.... i was thinking pretty poor.

then again it would go well with a fantasy knife collection and some dragon figurines.... and a penis untouched by female hands.
just kidding. if youre into that sort of thing thats cool enough.

though as a chef im sure you appreciate knives that are functional not simply attractive.
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Well, honestly, the ebay one is sort of cheap looking. Like a plastic dinosaur. But I was thinking, in my head, more of a wooden carving of one. Hoses, with animal carving tips? That would be great.

Lol, actually, I have a collection of twenty something odd daggers and suchs...no dragon figurines though.

My cutlery are pretty much narrowd down to the 12 knives I carry around on a daily basis.
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do you have 20 odd daggers. or twenty odd vicious looking but essentially useless paper weight pieces of crap?


decorations and wastes of space and money

a knife is a tool just as much as any other tool. there is no reason on earth that i can think of to possess one of those hunks of useless junk that are sold as fantasy knives.

kudos for the lack of dragon figurines. and i agree if there was a classy looking carved wooden cobra handle that could be cool. the plastick action figure looking one... not so much
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Definitely looks kool...but you wouldnt see me smoking outta it....me no likey snakes smile.gif

My clear "cobra shaped" are scary enough lol..

Tell us when it comes in how it looks and how it smokes smile.gif

-Nazar Hookah
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QUOTE (SanguineSolitude)
do you have 20 odd daggers. or twenty odd vicious looking but essentially useless paper weight pieces of crap?

Oh, I have 20 odd vicious looking pieces of crap. happy.gif
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I got to see one of these at our local Middle Eastern market. It looked kinda cheesy, and was super heavy. Honestly, I can't imagine keeping that thing in my hand for more than a few minutes, much less an hour or two. You'd have to set it down quite often, which is a pain in the ass if you are like me and just want to CHILL.
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my friend has a Cobra hose.
nothing big just the design. smokes the same as most hoses out there.
it's mainly just for show. i do wish they made black cobra hoses so it would
match my gold and black theme on my hookah.
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i mainly dislike the gimmicky nature of the hose. its not that its modern or what not, its just that it looks like a toy. i like the iranian happy meal comment. i had a cobra hose that i like fairly well, but it was the normal clear headed kind. i dont know.
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