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Tangiers STILL not smoking right....

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Hey everyone, I have not been around in a while...had to go on hookah hiatus due to financial situation.

I finall got some of those japanese coals that everyone says works well with Tangiers tobacco...but I could still not get good thick clouds without harshness...and the flavor was almost non existant.

My setup was a tall MYA with the funnel bowl. Holes generously poked in the foil and 3 of those coals distributed around the edges.

I would like to get this stuff smoking good so I can start sharing it with all my hookah friends here. Could Someone please help me??

Thanks in advance
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I had this same problem. I think it really is trail an error for what you like best.

Try putting more tobacco in the bowl. Make sure you are mixing the tobacco REALLY REALLY well before packing it. Poke the holes all the way down to the bottom of the bowl.

The thing is, sometimes there is harshness, but I have never heard of there being no flavor. The weather is kind of wacky right now, have you acclimated?
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What Erica said...accimulation is VERY important with Tangiers, not to mention the mixing...you need that juice in there tempered and ready. HAIL TANGY! WOO

Now...just a retarded queston...but when did you buy this batch of Tangiers? And What flavor? If I recall correctly, Tangy sent out a recall notice of sorts because certain flavors went out flavorness...just a random thought. (I should note, that it was a WHILE ago, that this happened)
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