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Layalina Ma’asell & The Lord Charcoal

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I've decided to take a chance on some new ma'asell and charcoal from:


I ordered 250g each of Layalina Strawberry,  Cherry, 
Orange,  Lemon,  and Double Apple.  And I also ordered 5
Kilos of The Lord Wooden Charcoal.  The Lord Charcoal is finger
charcoal made in a rectangular shape so that it won't roll off the bowl
like regular finger coals.  They're supposed to be large coals so
that they'll last longer.  And the Layalina ma'asell is something
I've never heard of before,  so I thought I'd give it a try.

Anybody have any experiences with either of these products.  Let
me know now if it's bad so I can cancel my order on Monday. 

Otherwise,  I ordered Overnite Delivery,  and I should have
it by Tuesday.  I'll let you guys know how they smoke 
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Well,  I received my ma'asell and charcoal. 

I've smoked Cherry and Strawberry and they SUCKED!!!  I threw them out

But now I'm smoking Lemon,  and I can say with all honesty that
this Lemon is the BEST I"ve ever smoked.  It's right up there with
Al-Fakher.  Infact,  I think it's a little better than
Fakher.  Fakher has no tartness,  but Layalina Lemon
DOES.  It's VERY Lemony & Sweet 

I'm going to smoke the Orange and then Double Apple next.  I'll let you guys know how they smoke.

The Lord Charcoal is AMAZING!!!  It's shaped in HUGE triangular
chunks.  Though I did have to heat it up on the stove,  my
torch wouldn't get it hot enough.  It would take a whole canister
of butane to heat one of these suckers.  But,  the stove is
very effective in getting these babies REDHOT.  There's no
charcoal flavor or odor whatsoever.  I couldn't be happier with
this charcoal,  and I've got 5 Kilos of it.  Unfortunately
for you guys,  HookahCompany is now completely out of The Lord
Charcoal,  but they do have something similair called Coal
2000.  It's in triangular chunks like The Lord,  only Coal
2000 is a Quick-Lighting coal.  There's no chemical agents to
cause a bad odor of add flavor to your smoke.  I've got a bag and
can't wait to try them.  HookahCompany ran out of The Lord, 
so they substituted 1 kilo of Coal 2000 for it.  I won't be
running out of coal for quite some time 
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Layalina Orange is nothing to write home about.  Infact,  it BLOWS!!! 

And the Coal 2000's are the exact same thing as Nour Coals, 
they're finger shaped, and and they are NOT quick-lights as
advertised.  So,  you'll need a stove to heat them up.

I'll give the Layalina ma'asell one thing,  it's VERY
smokey,  but other than that, there's nothing really very
mind-blowing about it.  Although,  the Lemon was TOP-NOTCH in
the flavor catagory.

Well,  now it's onto the Double Apple,  and if that
sucks,  I'm gonna be KICKING myself all night for having ordered
this CRAP!!!    For the same price,  I could have ordered my favorite ma'asell from Hookah-Hookah. 


I wanted to try something new,  I took a chance,  and I turned-up empty handed.
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Hey Mathazar, tell me more about the Lord charcoal. You said it takes longer to light than Nour. Could this be a different composition than Nour? As you know, Nour and other "olive pit scrap" coals mess me up and I'm just wondering if the Lord stuff can be something other than olive. What do you think?
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I haven't got a clue what it's made of,  there are no ingredients
on the bag, it just says Wooden Charcoal.  The website said that
it's triangular shaped, and when I sparked it up,  I found it to
be for the most part like Nour.  It has no odor or flavor, and it
lasts quite awhile.  But that's because the coal is so big. 
It comes in HUGE triangular chunks,  about the length of a
bowl,  and often times larger.  There's about 36 pieces in a
1 kilo bag,  and I break them apart and one half a coal provides a
pretty good smoke.  There isn't much difference between The Lord
and Nour,  either one will serve the same function.  I know
some people complained about getting headaches or something to that
effect from smoking those olive pit coals,  I forget exactly what
their complaints were about that.  I know Gamaliel and linkcat
complained about the Lemon Wood coals,  and I believe it was
Gamaliel that said the Olive Wood coals impart a strange flavor into
the smoke.  You won't have that problem with The Lord
Charcoal.  The only thing I don't like is having to light the coal
on the stove,  as it takes so friggin long.  I'm used to
sparking-up Golden Coals which are,  in my opinion,  the BEST
quick-light on the market.

I have no real complaints with The Lord........except that lighting them takes a bit of patience
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