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Mya Hoses

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Not sure what is better about these hoses... but I assume more room for more smoke and easier drags?


Let me know if its worth it!

Note: Also, do they fit in any Mya hookah? Or do I need some kind of special adapter? Just curious since they do look a lot wider... Edited by Vinson
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They fit my MYA QT, so im assuming they fit all myas. It fits my QT using thin clear gaskets that mya sent with or you can buy extras online

I love these hoses, and I don't think I'll ever go back to something else. The draw is just so smooth and easy, and the quality is definitely there!
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I have 2 mya wides and they smoke nice basically as nice as normal mya hoses. I think its all in your head that you get more smoke, now an easier pull i would say yes, but if you compare the mouthpieces of the hose they are pretty much the same size. This leads me to believe that there is more smoke coming down the hose but not more coming out. Think of it as a hose that is 1 foot wide and the mouth piece is only 1 inch, sure it will hold more, but are you really inhaling more???

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