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New To Hookah

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I just ordered my hookah from social smokes and I am excited to get my hands on it! but I have no Idea how to pack the bowl, and do you take the stems out of the shisha? also how can you light the coals with out toungs? and if you have any tips for soe one stetting up a hookah for the first time... I would like to know
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Hello and welcome to the forums !

http://www.hookahforum.com/index.php?showt...07&hl=Setup here's a link to a thread that should get you the basic information to seting up the hookah. I suggest taking the stem out of the shisha , but you can smoke with them in. I just think its a better experience to have pure tobacco. You can actually put the coal on the tray or on your set bowl and put a flame to it , it should light easily with some patience.

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