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Mya Qt Doesn't Hit Like A Larger Hookah

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Alright I know alot of people here like the Mya QT, so when my wife asked what I would like for a late birthday present I told here a MYA QT(short on $ right now). Anyways I have read so many people on these forums say that they hit like a larger hookah...I can't get it to perform. Don't get me wrong it hits decent, but not billowing clouds of smoke.
Am I doing something wrong do you think or have I bought into the hype? No matter what shisha I load the bowl with, no matter whether I allow the foil to touch or not...whether I use 1 to 3 coals. I get nice pleasent hits, but not the big billowing clouds of smoke that I have gotten from smoking in a lounge. It does hit better than my friends pumpkin hookah rolleyes.gif , but nowhere near as much as a good old Egyptian.

So should I prepare myself for the purchase of another hookah(a nice solid Egyptian) in the fairly near future? My original intention was to purchase a Egyptian or a large modern angry.gif m perhaps I should have stuck with it? Once again don't get me wrong! The Mya is very solidly built and barring any accidents I would bet it would last a good number of years. It's also downright handy to pack around!
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I've never had a MYA...

But I wonder if there is a crack in the veneer of the MYA myth?

Washable Hoses... that rust!
And other things i've read that suggest whilst they are bloody superb
maybe they are not 'all that' ?

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That's kinda of the gut feeling I have right now. On a happier side not my wife (who's asmatic and has smaller lungs) seems to get hits out of the thing close to what she gets off a Egyptian. Perhaps it's just not suited for people with iron lungs? Hell I really don't know, but at least it's airtight!
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I'd say with the calibre of the members, that swear by the mighty little QT and the sheer number in its following, it may, perhaps be that you're unfamiliar with the QT at present.

When i first got mine, i was mighty pissed with the smoke. That said, i swear by it now smile.gif
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I have 4 different hookahs of varied sizes and brands. I think my MYA qt is probable my best everyday smoker. I have found that it does get compareable smoke to the size of an egyptian. Could it be something with your set up? are you using the same bowls/coals/foil pattern/etc?
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This is the only vid I have of my QT in action. This is with the phunnel bowl mod but I have got pretty good smoke with regular bowls as well. The vid was not made to show the QT so you don't see much of it. but it is the only hookah I sit on my desk.
I keep my water level about 1/2" below the widest point at the top, just before it kinda flattens out and heads towards the stem.

www.scalliwag.com/hookah/mod/mod.wmv Edited by Scalliwag
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Thanks guys. I guess I need to figure out what I am messing up. This is the first hookah I have actually owned, though I have "played" with many of them.

Scalliwag...I wish I were getting that much smoke, I guess I will have to attempt trying different things. Does the Phunnel bowl actually produce more smoke, or does it mainly increase session length? I was planning on purchasing a Phunnel anyways, so if it produces more smoke I guess I will be doing it sooner rather than later.
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"Fake" is a relative term. Kinda like there is really no such thing as fake @@'s. My Pappy always said if you could get your paws on 'em, by golly they are REAL!!! smile.gif Hehe!!!
If you use instrustrial heavy aluminum foil you can do a phunnel clone "fairly" simply. You can even do the mod that way as well. Regular foil makes the task a little more tedious and you have to be real careful not to collapse the foil.... kinda like aftermarket @@'s if you get too rough with them you are gonna mess it up where-as with the real deals you can abuse them bad boys and have a helluva time.... pack them as hard as ya want ya know? smile.gif Plus they fell a lot nicer.... oh, back to phunells and mods wink.gif

In the big scheme of things a phunnel is not that much money and neither is a mod. Too me time is worth a lot. Guess cause I'm an ol' fart, I dunno. I piss off a lot of time kinda like now but again that is relative in that this is kinda helping a hookah bro get their setup down and then worshipping Scalli until their dying day for taking time to help smile.gif HA!!!!
Anyways I have nothing up my pockets and/or sleeves on the vid so what you see is what you get there. Since you are not new to hookahs but are just now getting around to setting up your own sessions just remember to be patient. QT's are excellent. Tangiers is excellent, as well as his phunnels. You will get a LOT of argument on that... but I got vids to prove my point smile.gif The truth is that some people have not got the same results and I am not sure why. I know there is a lot of factors and the even subtle variances when multiplied produce HUGE differences in final results.

Being around a lot of R&D I am very slow to write something off just because I have complications and I take that into everyting I do. After all just because you can't play a guitar the first day you get one does not mean the guitar is a POS ya know? But I digress (as usual)
Remember this shit is supposed to be FUN and not FRUSTRATING. You just kick back and have fun with it and NEVER sweat the small stuff bro.
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Ok... I have "iron lungs", or atleast damn good ones *yay playing wind instruments and marching with them for many a year*, and I can get a ton of smoke out of a QT... maybe it's just the set up or something
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OK I did the mod and made a Phunnel and a Scalli mod...Much nicer billows of smoke now! biggrin.gif I honestly think I am getting as much smoke as possible! Thanks Scalli and everyone else! I'm going to order a Phunnel and be done with it. I'm 32, so well on my way to being a old fart as well, and don't much care for the hassel of making a Phunnel everytime. I'm now happy with my QT.

Now one more question...If someone did set up a Egyptian correctly would they get even denser smoke? LOL I guess I will always be trying to figure out something that would/could be better.
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QUOTE (rattler @ Jan 1 2007, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now one more question...If someone did set up a Egyptian correctly would they get even denser smoke? LOL I guess I will always be trying to figure out something that would/could be better.

Haha!!! Welcome to my world where there is always a better wheel to be made and by golly I wanna make it!!! smile.gif Tangs, Lakemonster,and more here are ALWAYS on the never ending pursuit of getting it just a little better.
I can get a better smoke out of my bigger hookahs, they are just harder to clean. When I am smoking by myself or with a friend or two I will whip out the QT every time. Hell, try and knock one over compared to other hookahs.
If I had to give up all my hookahs but one and not go off of sentimental value I would hands down keep the QT. Gimme a QT, a phunnel, a mod, some three kings, and some descent baccy and I won't bother nobody smile.gif
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I smoked a QT over at DW's house. I wasn't disappointed, it smoked OK, better than I expected, but it about as well as your would expect for the price. I'm not sure what its made of, but its some kind of cast metal.

Personal note!: People with aluminum core pipes...clean immediately after use! I've been seeing alot of shanks come back from Group Elegance and Mya that are "blistering" like coated aluminum will do.
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QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jan 6 2007, 05:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I smoked a QT over at DW's house. I wasn't disappointed, it smoked OK, better than I expected, but it about as well as your would expect for the price. I'm not sure what its made of, but its some kind of cast metal.

Personal note!: People with aluminum core pipes...clean immediately after use! I've been seeing alot of shanks come back from Group Elegance and Mya that are "blistering" like coated aluminum will do.
Well a magnet does not stick to it so it is a non-ferrous metal...it looks like aluminum. My guess would be that they are Aluminum. Not a big deal to me, as my wife already wants another...larger...more traditional hookah(me too the QT just happened to be what I could easily get my hands on and alot of people here seem to love them). It smokes real fine actually, but I wonder if I put that much work into a quality Egyptian how much better it would smoke than the Mya.

Oh well we live and we learn. I would not buy another, but I am not disapointed I bought this one.
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as you can see from the vid Rattler you can get these to smoke excellent. If I pulled my bowl and put it on one of my larger hookahs it would smoke better it was already pretty hard to beat ya know? My bigger hookahs are not nearly as convenient to clean or travel with.
I guess like everything else it is learning a process that works and while that may be a frustrating period, in the end you know exactly what to do and it just comes down to setup time. My bigger hookahs are much easier to tip over as well.
There are many pros to these little guys that to me outweigh the cons. I think my 30" or whatever it is MYA and my 45" SS Abyss are much more impressive, but bang for the buck has to go with the QT.

I am going to play with some Tangiers Peach later this afternoon and I will make a vid and show the setup.
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Scalli...don't get me wrong. It does smoke as well as I have ever had. Just as good as any cafe...but it goes back to trying to get the best smoke possible. Part of that for me I guess is the aesthetics of the hookah. Smoking a large Egyptian seems more "luxurious" than simply smoking a small MYA. Also my brain says that a larger hookah should smoke cooler...whether it does or not I don't know, and I realize hookah is so subjective that I may never answer that definitively because of the other factors involved.

Now if I break my qt tomorrow I certainly would repair it even if I had 6 dozen Egyptians given to me today...the qt is a very convient hookah to grab and pack around. It smokes good enough that I actually considered buying one for every room of the house....seriously. But my wife brought up a good point. Those Egyptians are not only for smoking, but excellent home decorations as well.
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QUOTE (rattler @ Jan 7 2007, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sonthert @ Jan 6 2007, 05:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I smoked a QT over at DW's house. I wasn't disappointed, it smoked OK, better than I expected, but it about as well as your would expect for the price. I'm not sure what its made of, but its some kind of cast metal.

Personal note!: People with aluminum core pipes...clean immediately after use! I've been seeing alot of shanks come back from Group Elegance and Mya that are "blistering" like coated aluminum will do.
Well a magnet does not stick to it so it is a non-ferrous metal...it looks like aluminum. My guess would be that they are Aluminum. Not a big deal to me, as my wife already wants another...larger...more traditional hookah(me too the QT just happened to be what I could easily get my hands on and alot of people here seem to love them). It smokes real fine actually, but I wonder if I put that much work into a quality Egyptian how much better it would smoke than the Mya.

Oh well we live and we learn. I would not buy another, but I am not disapointed I bought this one.

Well, when I come out to AZ, I can bring you one, at my normal retail prices...$40 for a 27", $45 for a 34" or a two hose 27"
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