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Simple diffuser, balloon

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I read with some amount of envy about everyone who is making diffusers
for their hookah.  I no longer have access to a great deal of
tools, but like the idea of a diffuser.  

What I did that was very simple and works once you experiment with it,
is to use a small balloon that you just slip over the bottom
stem.  Put a few holes in it-I used a steak knife-and you've got
yourself a cheap diffuser that can be taken off. 

Sugestions-use a small balloon, and use some string or rubber band to
fasten it to the stem so you can take it off for cleaning. 

It is a little harder to pull the smoke in, but, especially with mint
tobacco, it is like smoking air conditioning.  Love that mint, by
the way, that and double apple my favorite flavors.
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thats a neat idea, fyi, you can make better holes by heating you
impliment with a candle first, that way it melts the hole instead of
cutting, also if you use a diffuse you want to have your water level a
little lower
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