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A new kinda coal lighting chamber

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anyone remembers the coal lighting chamber idea that was up here a few
weeks ago (I regret that I don't remember who it was that came up with
it), I would like to share my modified take on the design (actually, 3
slightly different takes).  I don't have any pictures, for which I
apologize, but I will try to get some up soon.  Basically, for the
first one I made (which no longer has a lid - incidentally, this
doesn't seem to matter) I used a coat hanger to poke holes in the sides
of an aluminum can as in the original design - but I used the same coat
hanger bent in an extremely awkward way to form a sort of grate in the
can and a large handle coming off the side of the can.  Inside
there are just 3 parallel bars to hold the coal - not perfect, but
quite functional if held still.  There is still a hole in the side
towards the bottom to light through, and the handle allows one to hold
the coal, pour the coal directly out of the chamber onto the hookah,
etc.  As an afterthought, we added aluminum foil, shiny side
visible, to the inside of the can to attempt to trap heat - not sure if
it works, but we can light a Three Kings charcoal in perhaps 30 seconds
in it. 

Tried some other variations, including a tin soup can with just a
single hole on the side, through which a coat hanger was fitted with a
handle on the outside and a spiral grill on the inside - looks kind of
like an electric stove burner or hot plate.  This design also has
a lighting hole underneath, and it holds the coal much better. 
Unfortunately it takes closer to a minute to get the coal lit -
apparently the aluminum cans work much much better to trap heat. 
Our final version is much like the first, except that it has crosswise
bars inside across the coat hanger bars made out of pipe cleaner
wire.  This holds the coal almost as well as the spiral design,
and lights almost as fast as the original design (if not just as fast,
which it very well might).  Anyway, I'll try and get pictures up;
just thought I'd share these slight innovations with all of you - this
site is a wonderful resource for hookah amateurs and pros alike.
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I went to Popular Outdoors (which is like a camping and recreation-type store) and bought an electric burner. It is the exact same thing that is on a regular electric stove, only portable and corded. It works awesome. I really need to take picutres of all this stuff I am explaining, does any one know where some good free webhosting is?
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hi, im the one who made the orignal soda can lighter, ive been using
the same for over a year and the inside and area around the lighter
hole is completely black, i cat say if trapping the heat actually makes
it light faster or not, i just made mine to deal with the occasional
explosive coals, and stop getting embers all over my desk.

i woudl tihnk that having too seale dof a chamber wouldnt allow enough
oxygen in and actually slow down the lighting, if you want fast
lightihg just take one of those jet flame lighters to the coal and they
are lit in 10-15 seconds
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i see a pack of matches there, do oyou need the matches along with the
ehating element? also how long does it take to ligh tup the natural
coals? i been tihnking about getting narural coals but gas oven doesnt
light them right, even witht he lighting chanber i made
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btw the chamber i masde for oven is different its basicly one of those
old school steamers they had before they made steamer pote, its a steel
plate with interlocking panels thats slid over eachother to close it at
the top and theres holes all over
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Haha, no, those matches are just from the smokers outside. My boyfriend loves cigars . I usually start the coals, go inside, grab my bowl, clean it out, load it and poke it, flip the coals, then clean up any spilled shisha, put the bowl on the hookah, get some water, and then grab the coals from outside. Like maybe 5 minutes? I'm not sure.
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