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Question about coal...

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hey guys,

i just bought my first hookah the other day. it's a 35 inch, three hose egyptian, and it seems pretty nice.

do you recommend using one coal, or two at a time? and if i use two, do
i stack them or have them side by side?i have three kings brand... and
only used one when i tried it out.  the coal only lasted about 15
minutes before dying, which seemed pretty short to me. also, it could
be because we had multiple people smoking heavily from all three hoses.
any suggestions?

also....when using multiple hoses, when one person is smoking do the
others have to cover up their mouth pieces? or is there a way to make
the hoses one-way?

thanks a lot!
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First, if you insist to use quick lights I would recomend Golden. Three kings leave a nasty flavor. If you want to use natural coal I would recomend Nours or The Lord.

Second, I use two coals and they are side by side but both are on
oposite edges of the bowl when starting off.  If two is burning
the tabacco then use 1.5. 

Third, don't think there is a way to get around the other people
covering the mouth pieces other than buying another one from I think
HookahHookah.com. If I am not mistaken they have some sort of design in
the stem that only alows air to pass one way.  One other
altenative is buying a small one just for you and use the big one when
you have 2 other people over.
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