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Pressure Problem Maybe?

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well as probably many of u know by now (sry, arg but thx for all your guys' help with my diff newb problems/questions) But hopefully this can maybe be the last one. Well, I just recently got a hookah (sultan, 21" from saharasmoke.com) and everything looks like its in working order however I have a minor problem while smoking. I can only get good drags when I use both the hoses (its a 2 hose) and take in nice long deep breaths and get the water bubbling. That seems to be the only way i can get smoke, but when I do that I do get good decent smoke. But when I just use one and take a normal breath, or even a deep breath on one I get very little smoke and it just clears out the smoke from the vase. Does anybody have any idea of why this might be happening?? It might very well be just a newb mistake I am making so wouldnt think tooooo deep into the problem. Something I did notice, this might be normal, idk, but when I take the big drags and get the smoke, a little, not too much but i get like a small size puff coming out of the air exchange valve, but idk if that matters or ties into the problem.

Sorry for another newb question, but thanks for all your help thus far!!
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