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Problems With Mya 2 Hose Acrylic

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So i got the 2 hose mya acrylic from mnhookahs.com , and im having a few problems with it. One of the adapters for the hoses keeps getting jammed by the ball bearing inside of it (the valve system), and it takes a lot of work to get it back out, which is a major inconvenience, if anyone understands me, can you please guide me as to how i might fix this problem. Also the part where the stem screws into on the top of the base seems to be a little loose, is there anything i can do to secure it?
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for the valve... it probably just has some glycerine on it... take it out and wash it good and maybe take one of those things used to clean your ears out into the valve to get the residue there too. Keeping it cleaned every once in awhile helps... or get a plastic airsoft pellet and use that instead.
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Yeah a Q-tip with alcohol might dissolve it. I personnaly just run some very hot water on the ball bearing and usually the water gets colored from the melting gunk. Usually , on my first puff , I will need to pull a bit harder until in unjams. Then it works properly.
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