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Two Hose Revelation?

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I was having a session at my friends house yesterday (before my Nakhla session) and we were smoking some HH Passionfruit. Obviously the flavor wasnt the best, but the smokes was going pretty well. Then, just fooling around, we tried both pulling at the same time. To our suprise, we got a crapload more smoke. Has anyone else tried this? Or are we just stupid?
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well, you had twice the volume of air passing through the coal, which heated it up to a higher temp and thus produced more smoke out of your tobacco....which means if you used just a LITTLE more coal you might get the same increase in heat on a ful time basis for a better overall smoke.

or so I see it....
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I learned to put 2 layers of foil on a bowl that isn't fully packed, then I put 2 40mm 3Ks on. Works like a charm, lots of smoke and lots of flavor biggrin.gif And yeah, I have a 2-hose model and double-fist smoke it all the time.
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When 'my friends and I have a two hoses going the bowl always getting nasty and hot because I guess we use the right amount of heat to start out with for a one hose???

But yea... it always smokes a lot better ... but tastes like nasty burning!
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Interesting, because whenever I'm smoking with my 2 hose hookahs with friends, whoever pulls on the hose harder than the other person, gets all the smoke while the other person just gets light headed from sucking so hard... It doesn't matter if one person is BARELY sucking harder, that person will get ALL the smoke.

Kinda weird.
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I've used both hoses when smoking with my dad and there were no problems, in fact hits were easier. How big is the diameter of the inside of your stem, Yash?
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