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Hillary's First Nite In The Whitehouse


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Hillary Clinton

Was sworn in today as President

She has disposed of Bill and is spending her
first night alone in the White House.

She has waited several years for this.



The ghost of George Washington appears to her,

and Hillary says,
"How can I best serve my country?"

Washington says, "Never tell a lie."
"Ouch!" Says Hillary, "I don't know about that."


The next night, the ghost of Thomas Jefferson appears...

Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"

Jefferson says,

"Listen to the people."
"Ohhh! I really don't want to do that."


On the third night, the ghost of Abe Lincoln appears...

Hillary says, "How can I best serve my country?"

Lincoln says,

"Go to the theater!"
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yeah not sure i see why so many republicans have this strange fear of Hillary, sure she doesnt seem like the kind of person I would like to just hang out with, but yeah i'd trust her not to fuck up as president.

Given the candidate choice the Repubs gave us in 2000 and 2004, and continue to blindly support, I'll take just about anyone willing to explore new options. (and no sending more troops and further cutting taxes isnt a new direction.)
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*sigh* She terrifies me. She's always flipping her decisions around so you never really have any idea on where she stands on ANYTHING. Damn people like her and Bill give democrats and liberals a bad name... My $.02.
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I don't fear Hil' cuz I'm a republican, I fear her because she's a friggin psycho. Any politician that co-signs a bill (even just a proposed one that gets shit on by congress) to ban the sale of video games to minors (even though it doesn't really affect us any more, but hey, I'm pretty sure we all thought videogames = life when we were younger), gets an x off my list in my book. "oh no! hot coffer mod! dont let kids buy video games!", thats why it was an M game, they cant buy it anyways.

thats why i fear the Hil'inator.
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I did not like the healthcare plan that she was pushing back in Clinton's first term. But the bigger thing that happened during that time that republicans conveniently want to forget is how many republicans promised to introduce healthcare bills if the one she wanted got shotdown.
Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, and other republicans promised bills to address the problem that even they acknowledged was a problem.
None of them EVER introduced any such bills. But only she caught flack off of the shit. Republicans are never held to their promises and most people don't keep up with jackshit.
Nothing pisses me off worse than to talk to very opinionated people about politics that don't even know the names of their own town mayor or the leaders of each party in the house and senate.

I don't think that the guv should be regulating the videos like you brought up Safesearch. A parent has to monitor their kids better. Parents that raise kids that go on shooting rampages that incedently thrived on violent video games need to be drawn and quartered.
But if that is the "scariest" thing you can find then you may want to dig a little deeper on her as well as other candidates. I wished the worse thing GW ever did was sign a bill he thought would keep our kids away from violence than signing ones that has put over 3000 of them in graveyards.
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very powerful arguement there, scalli. (im serious, your a good argue-er)

just to clear things up, I didn't mean thats the scariest thing i can find in our goverment of today. our government is straight fucked up.

but also your comment about our soldiers, our men and women in teh armed forces kind of threw me off a bit there man. i have cousins in the army, and many other connections and they are glad to be serving our people. in fact, a vast majority of soldiers are actually full supporters of GW, even though many people often think of it as sending them to their deaths. as crude as I may sound saying this next statement, the men and women of the army volunteered for a reason, and it most likely wasnt to sit around doing drills in a barracks for the next few years of their lives.
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Well I guess a lot depends on how we got into the war. Did the administration knowingly mislead us? This was the first time we ever started a war. I think that the question could be asked that how many soldiers would have signed on for a war the the President of the United States committed the unthinkable.
The football player, Pat Tillman went to Afghanistan because the Taliban protected the people that attacked our country. But he thought the war in Iraq was illegal and that was before so much more evidence to support his thoughts became clear.
He fought and died after walking away from a very nice lifestyle. If the war was indeed intentionally manipulated it could be argued that the Bush administration committed war crimes. While soldiers may have not have signed on to sit in the barracks at least the most famous casualty supports my argument that at least he would not have signed up for the Iraq war. Well, his brother that went to war with him makes the case much better than anything I could argue.
So read what Kevin Tillman says and then you may understand why I have no problem standing by my previous remarks. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6102300343.html

This Libby trial is exposing the way the Bush administration manipulated and there are reasons that the former press secretary wanted immunity from prosectution as long as he does not perjure himself.
If it is found that the Bush administration knowingly lied or misled us into a war do you think they should be tried for war crimes? If that is a valid argument and could be prudent you would have to ask and see how many soldiers would sign on to fight a war under a war criminal. My equation is Illegal War= War crime. Falsifying facts to start a war=Illegal War= War crime
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