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Holes In The Foil? Whats Best?

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I've been smoking for about 2 years, and I am always trying new ways to poke the holes. I've tried thin slits, larger center holes, and I usually end up using 5 centered holes in the like 5 dice pattern. Works alright for me... but I've never tried using tons of tiny pinholes. Any suggestions?
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the method that i use which proves to be the best is to use a reltively small poker (not pin, thats too small IMO) but something slightly smaller than a nail- liek the things your tongs come with (the pokers). Start in the middle with one dot and just spiral out, this is the best method i find. I also made my own poker, using tacks and a cutout piece of plastic. All i have to do is put it on top of my bowl and press, then rotate, press. its pretty sweet- and makes poking incredibly easy.
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Its a balance between the cut of the tobacco and the amount of tobacco in the bowl. The smaller the tobacco is cut, the less tobacco you can put in the bowl (you can't fill it up all the way) and then the smaller the holes you use to stop the draw from being too light. If you arrive somewhere that works for you, use it. If you switch to a larger cut tobacco, you would put more in the bowl, you would need larger holes to stop the draw from being too tight.
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This method works for me everytime: for anything no tangiers i poke smaller toothpicks holes not pushin the toothpick all the way down in a circular motion starting from the outer rim of the bowl. for tangers tobac i do the same fashion but i make larger holes by pushin the toothpick all the way down till it hits bottom; this makes a bigger hole and clears more airflow that is needed since erics tobacco is stronger...smooths it out drastically along with acclimation.
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I use a fork to stap 3 circular rings around the Phunnel. No hole over the Phunnel because I feel like I'm sucking too much fresh air.
When I smoke out of a normal bowl it depends what I'm somking...Anything but Tangiers I poke 15-20 holes with the poker on my tongs. Tangiers I have at it with the fork again and see how many holes I can put in the foil without ripping it.
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