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How Much Do You Pay For Shisha?

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The topic explains it all. I'm planning on selling shisha over the internet and I'm planning on selling four different brands. I'm looking to see what you guys pay for a 50g box. I'm really wanting to do this to help out the hookah community. I'm going to sell a high quality shisha that last almost 2 hours for a bowl called Romman. Also will be selling Al-Waha, a good inexpensive brand, Al-Fakher and Havana, two good brands more then Al-Waha but less then the high quality Romman. I also plan to sell some hookahs too. Those will be on ebay and since this is the first forum I have gotten on, I would like to call this my home assuming it is ok with you guys. I will sell the hookahs at the price I get them exclusivly to you guys. Just give me a couple of days for feedback and I'll get everything up and running and I'll be able to get some prices put together.
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