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Smoking On The Beach

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So for president's day weeked I'm going up to the Hamptons with some friends of mine. I know we're gonna freeze our balls off, but we're troopers like that. But one thing I'm worried about is potential beach damage, mainly sand. Has ne1 ever smoked on the beach? Would sand be a bitch to get rid of afterwards, or would it be real simple. Could it start clogging shit up? Thanks for the help again =D
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sand will get EVERYWHERE.

best thing i can imagine, take some saran wrap and cover the base, stem and anything else that could possibly be exposed, from the bowl grommet down, even the hoses. anything that fits inside a grommet should be fine as it wont be out in the elements. definitely use a wind cover or a combo bowl to keep sand from getting up on the screen as i can imagine sucking sand through the shisha would make it unplesant. might not look the prettiest, but the saran wrap will keep the sand off of it as long as you make sure it is wrapped tight. make sure the mouthpiece doesnt fall in the sand and you should be good, id even recommend plugging the hose with your thumb whenever you are not hitting from it to keep errant sand from blowing into the hose.

thats the method i would try.
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ive done it and it really isnt that bad. when i did it i dug a hole and buried my base in the sand so that no one could knock it over. it worked out very well and the sand just bruched off, no big deal. if its windy then you might need a windcover, but you can always just wrap some foil around your bowl if you dont have one.

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