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Cobra Hoses

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ive noticed that on the forum here, people do not seem to like cobra hoses a whole lot. I have used a cobra hose for a long time until recently when i got my new Red Wood Long handle one from hookah-shisha. I was just wondering what makes the cobra hose not as good. It seems to me to be very much the same, just looks different.
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I have a cobra... I don't know from where, but it isn't one of those ones everyones got online. The owner of the shop I go to gave me a deal on it, $21 lol but it was goin for $26... its SUPER flexible, I wash it all the time, never has a taste... but I like my MYA washables too.
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my cobra hoses have held up fine, ive got 4 of them. we had about 30 cobra hoses in the lounge and never had any problems with them. wonder if there was maybe a bad manufacturing run of them that put a lot of sucky ones on the market.
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There are Chiense Cobra Hoses out there that are washable. They are a green color like a tree snake
I can take a pic to show you. It pretty nice the hose is a One Inch Gauge hose big haevy Handle. But the angle of the mouth paice is a little occward. But smokes like a champ. The only draw back is they are expensive. Like $40.00 bucks.
Smiley laugh.gif
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