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Give The Little Guys A Chance

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Ok, I'm really quite pissed off, but I'm trying to remain civil... I want to know what's with all the slack thrown at small hookahs? Hell, even modern hookahs. I can't say I've had as much experience as a lot of people here, but I do have some.

I helped out at a hookah lounge for while without getting paid. I did this willingly, seeing as I was getting free hookah and piece of mind away from home and the other job. Like a lot of places, they had a wall of hookahs that were for sale, including an adorable little one I came to find out is the Junior Modern available at Social Smoke, and probably many other sites as well. I'd heard so many bad things about small hookahs, but it was just too cute and I wanted something for travel purposes. Eventually, this hookah was given to me as a way of them thanking me for the help.

Hookieh, as my baby has become known, is now my absolute favorite pipe to smoke. It's a great smoke, smooth every time I use it. I've heard the biggest problem is that you get water in the hose with small hookahs, but that's the fault of whoever set it up. All you have to do is find the sweet spot the first time, and put it there every time you use it. I obtained a phunnel for Christmas, and the smoking has just gotten better and better.

My message to everyone is this, give them a chance. So you've heard bad things about them, and so did I, but I still gave it a chance and I love it! Try something for yourself sometimes, try something different. I know if I hadn't, I wouldn't be on this forum and have met a bunch of awesome people from it.

Thanks for the time, and happy smoking.
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I take it you've never heard of the Mya QT? Probably one of the most sucesful hookahs ever created?

The problem I had with my junior hookah years ago was the downstem being much narrower in diameter than on most other average size hookahs. It smoked just fine, but due to the narrower downstem, the draw was tighter, and I really had to work on getting a lot of smoke. Other than that, I had no complains.
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You can't be on this forum without hearing of the Mya QT. It's like one o' them thar facts o' life. But the general consesus seems to be that if it isn't a QT, it's gotta be a bigger hookah. My Junior Modern has no problem smoking at all. I take the intial hit to get it going and I've got smoke, second hit and I lose my face in the smoke. It's just gotten to the point where even someone that hasn't tried one doesn't like them. Heck, I remember when I first joined I saw a lot of "I heard this about small hookahs..." and such far more numerous than posts from someone who's actually used one. Someone posted earlier about getting one, and I was actually shocked when someone agreed with me that a small hookah other than the QT isn't automatically crap!
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I've said it once, I'll say it again...Mya QT SUCKS! Just my two cents...
...I mean it hits good, but damn if that thing ain't a Beyotch to clean!

I can't wait to get that $15 hookah from Smiley! I bet it will be a lot easier to clean! I am sure that is going to become my new travel hookah!
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.... I have found with smaller hookahs, it really depends on the quality. Since they are made to be small and cheap, they fall apart easeir and have more flaws. I don't think anyone on here has ever said Small hookahs sucks. Because just like taller hookahs there are the good and the bad. *and the ugly* hehe

The mini mya acrylic is awesome... well actually I like all of myas small line *Qt, BAmbino, Mini Acrylic* They all smoke just as well as most bigger pipes.

I have, however, smoked out of some HORRID small pipes.

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I've owned 3 small hookahs thus far.....

only one of them amounted to be worth the money IMHO....

My first good quality hookah was a little Syrian from SS when they were clearancing out the line. Thats a good hookah... really enjoyed it.

The second was a "free gift" Fatota type hookah that came with a larger order.... that thing was poor quality... leaks... crappy workmanship... something that is good for sitting on a shelf and thats it...

Then came the QT... everyone here knows how I feel about it..... but I do think its well made at least.

Hit and miss as far as Im concerned...... If you like it, smoke it.
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Different strokes for different folks. I <3 my QT and I use it alot... hell, it's the easiest hookah for me to clean, don't know what the fuck sambook is talking about.

Anyways, some people like the little guys, some people don't. I've had good smokes from some, HORRIBLE from others. Also appearances are another part of the pipe... have you taken into consideration that some people just like the LOOK of a taller pipe? Put two pipes together... both smoke great, one is 12", the other 32". Some people will flock to the small, some to the large. It really gets down to personal preference and HOW you smoke. Smoke people take HUGE CAN'T FIT ANY MORE AIR/SMOKE IN THE LUNGS AS FAST AS YOU CAN hits, and some people "sip".
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I have two hookahs, one is the Junior modern hookah which is the same one as the one from Social Smoke. It was kind of hard to find a sweet spot but I know where it is now. IT smokes fine, the only 'leaks' I have are the foil edges not being tight enough around the bowl. I also have the 9" pumpkin base one and it is junk. The base is too short as the water comes in, and if you make it so water does not go up the hose, then there is not enough filtering depth and your smoke is pretty hot.

What I do, though, is since the parts are interchangeable, I just use the base and lower pipe of the junior with the top of the pumpkin hookah, and I get a 12" hookah that smokes great! rolleyes.gif And its real nice when you can fit EVERYTHING you need into a small foot long cloth bag.

And since it works great and is so short, I am adapting it for use in my car blink.gif
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here is my .02 cents on small hookahs

I have 2 of them. a QT and some other one, was my first hookah I got from a local smoke shop.

The QT is probably one of the best quality built hookahs I have ever seen. Very thick glass that is not going to break, heavy stainless steel stem that is easy to clean and fits extremely snug onto the base, a tray that fits perfect, etc.

BUT, IMO small hookahs do not smoke as nice as big ones. The smoke isnt as cool, more charcoal taste and less flavor. They are great for on the go though. It really depends on what you want the hookah for. Small hookahs, from what I have observed, get bigger hits. Its a direct shot right to the hose, less place for the smoke to linger around.

Also, different tobacco IS better for small hookahs then large ones. I wouldn't dare smoke my sinbad out of my qt as it is a light tobacco. I'll smoke al waha out of my QT.

You just have to weigh the options when buying a hookah. Just know that for the price of a qt you could get a medium egyptian (like most lounges have) for 20 bucks more. But hey, if you got the cash to spend, the qt is worth it, it will last you a lifetime.
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