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To All Owners Of A Phunnel And Tangiers Standard Bowl

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I want to know if the owners of the phunnel bowl also use their Tangier standard bowl anymore?
And in which cases they use the old one.

Background is: I have a Tangiers Standard Bowl and want to get a Phunnel. I don't know if its worth, because the old is working good.
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I have a Phunnel but not a standard...So I'm not really the person you want to talk with BUT Next order I place I'm ordering at least one more because they are that good in my opinion. I don't want to smoke out of anything else. The flavor last until the tobacco is smoked out. Using Tangiers tobacco it lasts 2 to a little over 3 hours depending on whether my wife is smoking with me. I like not having all the molasses drip down the stem when it gets hot...makes it alot easier to clean and I think that's why the flavor lasts so long because it just pools up in the top. I'll be ordering a Scalli mod when I place my order too, just to see if it makes a difference or not.
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i use the funnel for tangers tobacco exclusively. i have the regular bowl which is ginormous and use it when i wanna sit on one flavor for hours or have a lot of people over for smoking and only one hookah 2 set up. it lasts and burns really well. i say get both!!!
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I have a few a both. They both smoke great.

I usually pack a bowl with the Funnel if I know I wont be able to finish the bowl, like if I have to go to the store or the gym. If there are people over, and I KNOW the bowl will be finished I usually pack the regualar tangy bowl.
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I have a three Tangiers phunnel bowls ( one is busted ) and 1 regular Tangiers bowl, all are large. I use the Phunnel bowl when I'm smoking anything other than Tangiers ( IE: Al Waha, Fahker, Amir, Starbuzz, etc). I use brands that are juicier with the Phunnel bowl.

I smoke all my Tangiers out of the regular large Tangiers bowl since he doesnt douse his shit with syrup, and his tobacco never cashes, so you dont need the Phunnel to save any flavor. But Tangiers out of the phunnel bowl is good too.
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