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Tangiers Peach

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I have tried starbuzz peach before and right now I am smoking tangiers peach... I think that they taste the same. I know a lot of people love starbuzz peach and say it's the best, but Tangiers peach is the best because it tastes the same and is $10.00 cheaper. Anyone else that has smoked both tangiers peach and starbuzz peach... what do you think? Unless you don't like the buzz or you don't like tangiers (because of the trouble trying to get a good method down,) I think this could save you a lot of money.
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the only time i tried tangiers peach it must have been a bad batch or sumthin cuz it tasted like crap! if the taste is similar to starbuzz peach, which is my fave overall flavor across the brands, im gonna have 2 give it another go.
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I've had Tangiers Kashmir Peach and am currently smoking the SB peach, and I have to say that I like the SB a lot more because it's a less temperamental tobacco. Compared to Tangiers, it doesn't get harsh at all if too much heat is applied. That's my opinion.
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I just got done smoking a bowl of tangiers peach...In a small Phunnel...4 jap coals. never got harsh at all. shonimus you use ice water or something? I use room temperature water and it makes a difference for me.
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Kashmir peach is very different from peach. Also if you look through the forum you will see a post about how to properly setup a hookah with tangiers as posted by sonthert (Eric... the maker of tangiers).
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Yeah Kashmir Peach is entirely different from your standard peach, but I find it to be the least tempermental of all the Tangiers flavors I've tried. With the proper setup you should be able to get it smoking pretty thick, though still destructive in terms of the buzz wink.gif

It's funny you should liken Tangiers Peach to SB Peach. I've tried the two separately and never thought they tasted alike, but when I recently started mixing SB Peach with Tangiers F-Line Kashmir I immediately noticed a strong similarity in taste to Tangiers Kashmir Peach. It's yummy...
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