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Mya Qt Vs A Bigger Hookah

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hey everyone. I've actually looked at most of the previous threads on the mya qt vs the bigger hookahs but lately i have been experimenting with my 34 inch social smoke oasis hookah and the mya qt and have consistenly found the bigger hookah to deliver much more and thicker smoke. I am not sure if it is my technique as a lot of people say the qt is just as good as the bigger ones, but when i place a 33m 3kings on the oasis as well as the qt (im using the same bowl) the bigger one delivers thicker smoke right from the beginning and the qt takes a lot longer to get 75% as thick. Just wondering if anybody has done this and are getting the similar results as me? Also, i use bowl that comes with the social smoke oasis hookah, the basic clay i think. Is a 33m usually good enough to deliver thick smoke because breaking up the coals just seem troublesome to me. THanks ya'll
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I have found myself in the opposite situation. I have a 34 inch rotating hookah and I just got the smileys hookah today. The smileys hookah smokes definately smokes a lot more than the large one. Same shisha...same coals....same bowl... and even above the water line at the same level.

It's weird I would figure a larger chamber would equal larger smoke!

I guess it has something to do with water levels. Any suggestions? I've tried ranging from 1/2" over to 1.1/2"inch over.
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hmm for the mya qt i usually fill it up half way up the vase which i hear is the right amount. I still never get nearly as much smoke, in fact i just smoked both of them today, same thing. The mya qt did get pretty thick but not nearly as thick as the oasis. im thinking it might be my bowl grommet, gotta buy a new one tomorrow. but yeah i've read that smileys small hookah is even better than the qt
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i had a smaller 18 inch egyptian hookah and then purchased an old school rotator hookah, and i find that my newer hookah smokes much thicker than the egyptian.
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I really hate my QT, especially now that I got one of Smiley's $15 hookahs! The QT will sit in its cage now, unless I need to have multiple hookahs going..

Save your Money! Save a little extra and get a nice hookah, it will pay off in the long run...check out Social Smoke, they have some really nice hookahs...

If Smiley ever offers up the $15 hookah again, JUMP on it! That hookah is AMAZING for the price!!!

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