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My Current Collection

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Ok... so my photoshop has gone on the fritz and I needed some help editing the picture. Here's what I need... the pic with a max size of 499 pixles... and then the little spot in the middle of the hose on my green hookah to be covered up... it's just glare, not anything else you sickos tongue.gif If yall could do that that would be awesome... Bonus points? Get some text, moving or non, that looks like it's on fire. In the top left hand side I want it to say "Hellfire", top right, in smaller text *doesn't have to be fire, just be able to see it* "(19:24)" And at the bottom, I want it to say "Powered by Hookah" or something to that effect. Thanks for anyone who wants to put time in this for me smile.gif

EDIT: Actually make it any size you want.... I have to get one version down to just 200 max heigth
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The orange one is non-mya tongue.gif so is the one on my star gate... and the vynal tubing that I have right out of the pic!

And trust me, I would LOVE another sweet hose... but don't know what a good one to get is and all that jazz... oh well
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HOLY CRAP YES IT IS. You play? And this is a temp one till I make a better one tongue.gif Our KD were winning and the other KD pulled some crap and so we just got mad at eachother and are doing a war till EoA... I'm getting to play monarch right now biggrin.gif

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Well, we actually were up for awhile till they started sending dragons and pking us... both which was against the rules... it's ok now we're screwing around... know the sad part? I think we're still up in acres
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